By Fikret Akfırat* For Türkiye, with the Eastern Mediterranean issue and the elimination of the PKK presence in Syria, relations with the USA, Russia, Iran, and China are locked in Idlib. The situation in Idlib is the most significant issue in Syria that the Astana partners are unable to settle. As a result, the Astana process is slowed down. More ...

The European Parliament has once again confirmed its interventionist and conflictive stance towards Türkiye on June 7. On that day, the EP has approved the 2021 Commission Report on Turkey with 448 votes in favor, 67 against and 107 abstentions. The EP concludes in its document that there is no room to reopen the negotiations on Turkey’s membership, given the ...

Interview by Şafak Erdem “These are weapons of a crucial kind. No arms company will sell these weapons without the knowledge of the US government and intelligence service. Can these weapons be used against Turkey? Of course. They can use them to hit Turkey’s prestige in the world by damaging the Turkish Armed Forces. They can even add psychological operations ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the expected diplomatic visit to Israel and Palestine, by the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. Second were the discussions over a possible military operation against the terror elements, mainly the PKK/YPG, across Northern Syria. Third was the championship of the Turkish basketball team Anadolu ...

By Prof. Bessam Abu Abdullah, Damascus, Syria The following is an article that Prof. Abdullah has published in the Syrian daily newspaper El Watan. The article explores the ground, need and conditions for a rapproachment between the Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic of Turkey. ‘Our path crosses Ankara, although it is a difficult path’ Previously I have written many ...

By Fikret Akfirat On the night of April 17, Turkey launched the Claw-Lock operation against the US-backed PKK forces in northern Iraq. With this step, a new phase has been started in the “Claw” series of operations. The Turkish Armed Forces are famous for giving meaningful names to their military operations. Operations started with Claw-1 targeting the removal of PKK camps in the ...

While Israeli President Isaac Herzog ‘s visit to Turkey – the first after 14 years – was still continuing being echoed, the Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis visited Turkey. One of the important topics of the visit, which was evaluated positively in terms of Turkish-Greek relations, was the Eastern Mediterranean and energy. In the meantime, Ankara carried out intense diplomatic traffic ...

Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s two-day visit to Turkey still causes echoes. This was the first high-level visit by an Israeli President since former Israeli President Ehud Olmert travelled to Turkey in 2008. The two countries’ relations had come to an end after ‘Mavi Marmara’ (Gaza Flotilla) incident in 2010. United World International expert Elif İlhamoğlu interviewed Ismail Hakkı Pekin, retired ...

By Roya Fereyduni Mehdi Azizi, Iranian Mehr’s foreign news agency director claimed, “By attacking Syria, the Zionist regime is trying to recompense and regain it’s now lost self confidence against their defeats from the Hezbollah and resistance groups”. Mehdi Azizi evaluated the developments in the region in an interview he gave to United World International. It is said that interactions ...

Turkey began its new year with two different topics. The government affiliated Turkiye newspaper reported that a bilateral dialog had begun between the governments of Turkey and Syria. And newly introduced increases in commodity prices over New Year caused heavy debate among the public. Turkish and Syrian officials’ bilateral meeting in Jordan Relations between Ankara and Damascus were torn apart ...