The Secretary General of the of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, has once again charged Turkey and Iran with expansionism allegedly aimed at spreading their influence to the Arab countries of the Middle East. As he spoke in Cairo at the opening of an Arab Parliament seminar on “building a unified strategy to deal with neighbors”, Aboul ...

In Turkey’s second contest to elect the mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Imamoğlu of the opposition Republican People’s Party again claimed victory, this time winning by a wide margin over his rival Binali Yildirim. In the first contest held on March 31, Imamoğlu only best his opponent by 13,729 votes, the narrow victory and electoral irregularities prompting a re-do on June 23. ...

Georgian protests In Georgia, a political scandal that led to large demonstrations in Tbilisi. About 240 people (80 of them policemen) have been injured. On Thursday, a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy started in the Georgian parliament, with the participation of the Russian delegation. The deputy head of the assembly Sergei Gavrilov was sitting in the chair of ...

A re-do of the election for mayor of Istanbul, a strategically important region, took place in Turkey today. With  99% of ballots counted, the candidate from the opposition Republican People’s Party of Turkey, Ekrem Imamoglu, won with 54.0% of the vote. His main rival was the candidate of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) of Turkey, former prime minister ...

Tensions between Turkey and the United States has risen dramatically following Ankara’s purchase of Russian  S-400 missile defense complexes. The discussion between the two countries has developed into threats of sanctions, mutual counter-measures, and eventually open opposition on social networks. The United States initially tried to dissuade Turkey from buying the S-400 via threats against the country’s participation in Washington’s ...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made an abrupt statement to the United States regarding the cessation of training for Turkish pilots in the American F-35 program due to Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense systems. The Turkish leader put an end to the disputes that have been going on for some time around the S-400 issue, saying: “I’m ...

For the first time in 55 years, the United States threatened Turkey via an official letter after their purchase of Russian S-400 systems. Normally, the United States indirectly criticizes Turkey across a variety of media. That is, until last week when Washington changed tactics and took a step further, sending a letter to the Minister of Defense of Turkey, Hulusi ...

Discussions between the United States and Turkey over the purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system have been going on for more than a month. America continues to threaten Turkey with sanctions in the event that it does not immediately refuse to purchase the defense complexes. Will our relations with Washington improve, if Turkey declares that it is ready to ...

The European Union published its regular report on the situation Turkey. The Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Expansion, Johannes Hahn, stated that no new developments in the framework of the negotiation process with Ankara. According to Euronews, Hahn stressed worsening human rights in Turkey, regress in many areas such as the economic sphere, and said outright that “Turkey continues ...

During an Iftar session in Ankara, the Turkish Minister of Defense, Hulusi Akar, met with leading media representatives. The minister made a number of important statements on issues such as the threats Turkey faces in the region, the fight against terrorism, the country’s need for its own air defense system and the purchase of Russian S-400 systems. Below are the ...