Turkey, which has been immersed in a situation of economic crisis ahead of its recent electoral race, has become surrounded on all sides in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Israel, Egypt, Cyprus and Greece, which, with the support of the United States and some European countries, have begun to explore recently discovered oil and gas fields, which has led to a ...

A spokesman for Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin and the Turkish Foreign Ministry strongly criticized a report prepared by the American International Commission on Religious Freedom. The International Commission on Religious Freedom (USCIRF) recently published its annual report on the topic of the rights and freedoms of Religious minorities in countries around the world. According to the document, Turkey was granted ...

Rumors of a “new political party” have been heard among conservative circles for more than a year (most of it them coming from the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) electorate), and have increased dramatically after the appearance of website in February that seems to indicate a new political formation. Although discussions about who is behind this site, and whether these ...

The twelfth round of the Syria negotiations (the so-called “Astana format”) was held in Kazakhstan`s capital Nur-Sultan. On Thursday, the Ritz Carlton hosted a closed meetings of participants. Delegations from Russia, Turkey and Iran (the guarantors of the “Astana” process) held intensive talks in a bilateral and trilateral format. Representatives of Damascus, the Syrian opposition and the special envoy of ...

Having finally completed all the necessary recount protocols and with all votes tallied,  Turkish opposition figure Ekrem İmamoğlu of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) confirmed his victory in Istanbul’s mayoral elections. Thus ended a 17-day appeal process complete with a full recount in a number of constituencies. Victory by a narrow margin   Looking at the final and official results, ...

On April 8, Turkish president Erdogan met Russian president Vladimir Putin. The meeting of the two leaders marked the opening of Turkish-Russian cultural interchange and tourism season. This is the third meeting of Erdogan with Putin since the beginning of 2019. Rusya’da iş dünyası temsilcileri toplantısındayız. https://t.co/Z9nCDfWjql — Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (@RT_Erdogan) April 8, 2019 S-400 One of the major ...

Turkey’s local elections Turkey held local elections on March 31, which ended in numerous disputed regions, leading the Commission to recount the votes. Particularly controversial was the battle for Istanbul, where the candidate from the ruling party, ex-speaker of parliament Binali Yıldırım and opposition member Ekrem İmamoğlu faced off. The US State Department had previously called on the parties to ...

On March 31, Turkey`s local elections took place with 57 93 985 voters participating. In Istanbul, an area of critical importance for all parties, updated data from Anadolu news unexpectedly ceased to appear, leading to a tense waiting period for both the population and participants. The following morning, the Chairman of the Turkish Central Election Commission (CEC) Sadi Güven declared that opposition ...

The atmosphere around the upcoming Turkish municipal elections scheduled for March 31th almost make it seem like the country is preparing to elect a new president: tensions are high, and interests extend far beyond the border. All of the major international players, primarily the United States and the Europeans, are closely monitoring the elections, anxiously awaiting the results. How President ...

Ayhan Zeytinoglu, the chairman of Economic Development Foundation (IKV) which specializes in EU – Turkey relations,  commented on the European Parliament report calling to suspend negotiations regarding Turkey’s EU membership bid, highlighting the EP’s “erratic approach” to Turkey. He also discussed the continued difficulties in Brexit negotiations in the House of Commons. According to Zeytinoglu, on March 13, the attention ...