The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) issued a statement formally confirming information cited in an article published by entitled “Europe’s interest in FETÖ.” According to the Office’s statement, 51,225 members of the FETÖ terrorist organization have applied for asylum in EU countries. The article mentioned Europe’s deep interest in the group, pointing out how “European countries almost compete with ...

Trump-Erdogan talks Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held talks over the phone with US President Donald Trump this week. According to sources from the Turkish presidential administration, the recent events in Syria, the importance of supporting the political settlement process and the need for joint action against terrorism were all on the agenda. Erdogan reaffirmed his desire to continue Turkey’s ...

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on February 21 that two Turkish prospecting vessels would get down to geological exploration of oil and gas deposits off the shores of Cyprus shortly. Ankara will thus demonstrate that any prospecting in the area can be done only with Turkey’s consent, Cavusoglu said. He also indicated that Turkey is not going to allow ...

On the one hand,  the end of the Cold War signaled the beginning of liberalism’s unipolar world domination, and the end of any possibility for competing ideas. On the other, the balance of power maintained by the Cold War was upended, opening a geopolitical Pandora’s box. To date, Francis Fukuyama’s prematurely announced “end of history” has not arrived, and its ...

Summit in Sochi The fourth summit of the Astana process on the settlement of the crisis in Syria was held on February 14 in Sochi. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan considers the summit to have been an important step. “The Summit in Sochi was very efficient and useful. The second round of talks began with Sochi, we hope that the fifth ...

Ankara, who is now shifting away from the USA and towards the regional powers, is expected to begin negotiations with Damascus. Of course right now a low level exterior politics is underway with Syria. At this situation, intelligence agencies cannot just say “We execute whatever our leader orders.”. Many times leaders are off the grid, then what will they do? ...

On the background of the US and Russia’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), one can hear increasingly often that Turkey might change its status in the emerging new international layout and change its status of a non-nuclear weapons state. Herein we’ll consider the possibility of a step of this kind. It is common knowledge that the US ...

The fourth summit of the Astana process on the Syrian settlement will be held on February 14 in Sochi. The participants will focus on creating zones of de-escalation in Syria and launching a political transition in the country. The attention of the world community is focused on the upcoming summit, causing concern among European countries and the United States. Turkish ...

On February 26, the UN Secretary-General’s special envoy for Cyprus, Elizabeth Spehar, will chair an informal meeting between the leaders of Cyprus’s Greek and Turkish communities, Nicos Anastasiades and Mustafa Akinci. It is not clear, however, what questions will be discussed and whether the event will mean a de facto resumption of negotiations on settling the Cyprus crisis. Let’s recall ...

The decision by US President Donald to pull American troops out of Syria has opened the path for a new process in Syrian conflict settlement. The active actors in the conflict are revising their policies and seeking to fortify their positions. Russian that has played an important role in the civil war in Syria and has supported the Assad regime ...