Ukraine has refused to conclude peace talks in Istanbul in April 2022 due to a number of Russian demands. This was reported by the German newspaper Die Welt. The draft treaty shows that the countries agreed on the conditions for ending the conflict. Only a few points remained unresolved, which were to be personally discussed by Presidents Vladimir Putin and ...

“By publicly and openly blaming NATO countries for not wanting to achieve a peaceful solution in the Ukraine crisis, the Turkish Foreign Minister has taken a diplomatic step further in mediation efforts”, said United World International expert Yunus Soner in an interview with Russia Today TV. He also commented on efforts to include Sweden and Finland into NATO. Below we ...

The former Head of the Turkish Armed Forces’ Chief of Staff intelligence, retired Lieutenant General Ismail Hakki Pekin, has evaluated the latest developments throughout the world with Elif Ilhamoglu. This ‘Strategic Compass’ will make Europe even more dependent on the US How would you assess the EU’s “Strategic Compass” documents approved by the European Council on Foreign Relations on March ...

After the start of the Ukrainian crisis, the delegations from both sides have met three times in Belarus for negotiations. After that, Ukrainian and Russian foreign ministers met in Antalya on March 10, and another meeting was held in Istanbul on March 29. These meetings between two delegations from Moscow and Kiev in Istanbul, held upon Turkey’s diplomatic efforts, were ...

Delegations from Ukraine and Russia met in Istanbul, Turkey on March 29 and continued talks for a negotiated solution for the crisis. The mediating Turkish government and the press welcomed the meeting and its first results with optimism in terms of a sooner than later peaceful solution to the conflict. Erdoğan: Negotiation process “increased hopes for peace” Turkish President Erdoğan ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey had been busy with three main topics. First, has been Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu’s statements regarding the counter-actions of Russia against the NATO’s containment policy. Second, have been the situation reports on the mediation efforts of Turkey in the Russo-Ukrainian War, pursued by both the Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Presidential Spokesman ...

While the Ukrainian-Russian delegations are meeting for negotiations in Istanbul, Turkey, United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan provided an interview to Russian news outlet Izvestia. “With Turkish mediation, Moscow and Kyiv will be able to reach an agreement,” he said. Below we present the interview as published by Izvestia, the original can be read here. Turkish political scientist Onur ...

The rivalry The political crisis in Libya, where tensions between the two rival coalitions have reached their peak, is deepening. On March 22, Fathi Bashagha, the Prime Minister of the so-called Government of National Stability appointed by the House of Representatives in Tobruk, issued a decree preventing any decisions taken by the Tripoli-based Government of National Unity (GNU) led by ...

Russia’s military operations in Ukraine have entered the third week. It doesn’t matter how they’re named – war, special operation or military acts. The fact is that today the Ukrainian and Russian armies are fighting face to face. I have no intention to compare the armies of the two countries, because the Russian army is one of the strongest in ...

Once again, Ukraine has become the focus of the world public opinion. Since the beginning of November of last year, the US media has been warning of an immediate Russian intervention in Ukraine. At the beginning of November, the Washington Post published an article with photos from satellites showing the build up of Russian troops along the Ukrainian border. Soon ...