By Işıkgün Akfirat Nowadays, it is being debated how the maritime jurisdiction delimitation agreement between Lebanon and Israel will change the balance of power in the region. The officials from these two countries are set to meet at the United Nations Assembly, before October 31st in order to sign the agreement. Hezbollah also supported the agreement being reached at the ...

Recently, a website created by the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine ( revealed that sanctions were demanded upon the international community against Turkish state-owned and private-owned banks operating in Russia, their CEOs and other businesspeople. The website listed of the CEOs of Ziraat Bank, IsBank, Denizbank and Credit Europe Bank, alongside their mug shots and home addresses. The US chooses, Kiev ...

3 critical issues were on the public agenda in Türkiye in the last week. Turkish officials’ statements regarding the talks with the Syrian government and a normalization process were dropped on the public agenda like a bombshell. Secondly, the Vatan Party’s official resolution about Türkiye’s overall situation resonated throughout the general public. And finally, the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games of ...

“Relations with Israel should never exceed the official level and every move made by Israel should be reciprocated. Türkiye should leave the balance policy because this policy brings us to a deadlock. (…) Türkiye must immediately withdraw from NATO’s military wing, if not its political one.” Israel and Russia are at odds over missile strikes in the Syrian theater. Russia, ...

Aidan Aslin is a British national who fought as a mercenary at the side of the YPG/PKK in the north of Syria in 2015 and 2016. Upon his return to the United Kingdom, he was detained, but released afterwards and went back to Syria. He expressed himself in support for a so-called Kurdish autonomous region in Syria and called Western ...

The global capitalist economy seems in disarray. From increasing inflation to vulnerable supply chains, from endangered food production to energy transition and crisis – complaints and warning calls rise at nearly every chapter and branch of the world economy. United World International thus has started a new series of articles and interviews that will shed light on the situation of ...