NATO has approved a new defense plan on its recent summit in Vilnius, the United States is accelerating moves to increase presence in the Black Sea where the Ukrainian forces continuously attack Russian ships. Meanwhile, Russia has suspended the Grain Corridor agreement. We spoke to ret. Admiral Ali Deniz Kutluk from the Turkish Naval Forces on all these issues and ...

The recent NATO summit had Sweden’s membership as one of the main topics of diplomatic negotiation. Türkiye and Hungary remain the two member countries that have not yet approved that membership. Regarding his country’s approval, President Erdoğan presented three main demands: The fight against the PKK, the updating of the customs union and the elimination of visas between the European ...

By Turhan Özlü Türkiye has been a NATO member since 71 years. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that our country suffered the most among NATO member countries. NATO claims to be a defense alliance, but its hostile actions against us have revealed its aggressive nature. Coups, attempted coups, assassinations targeting patriotic intellectuals, incitement of civil war and massacres ...

Interview by Şafak Erdem Türkiye has recently taken steps to repair relations with the United States and the European Union. Türkiye gave the green light to Sweden’s NATO membership and expressed its willingness to turn a new page with the EU, which was also backed by the US’s official statements. We asked United World International author Dr. Mehmet Perinçek about ...

On the one hand the Turkish economy is growing and gaining strength in some industries, notably the defense industry, on the other, it has hit record inflation levels and the people are getting impoverished. In addition to its geopolitics, Türkiye is also the subject of debates with its economy. In recent times, the issue seems to be focused on criticizing ...

Türkiye’s foreign policy between East and West is one of the most debated and questioned issues worldwide. On that matter, we interviewed Prof. Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney. Prof. Güney is Member of the Turkish Presidential Security and Foreign Policy Council. The Council was established in 2018 with Executive Order No1, following the introduction of the presidential system in Türkiye. The President ...

By Recep Erçin After an intense election marathon, Türkiye focused on the economy. The question mark on the minds after the selection of the economic management by President Erdoğan is whether the Turkish Economic Model will be abandoned or not! Türkiye experienced a “bright” period with the IMF policies implemented after the 2000s. When we look at what it was ...

Türkiye has left the electoral period behind. With the appointment of the new Cabinet, the first issue that came to the fore has been “new constitution”. The new government’s decision to appoint people with ties to the US and the UK to manage the economy has sparked a debate. Another issue the week was whether Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of ...

By Yiğit Saner, reporting from Rome / Italy After the May 28 elections, Western commentators are debating which direction the Turkish economy and foreign policy will take. Clues to Türkiye’s possible moves are being sought in two new ministers: Şimşek and Fidan. In order to be able to continue its hyperactive foreign policies, which we discussed before the May 15 ...

United World International continues publishing papers that were presented to the Global Multipolarity Confernce held on April 29. The conference was organized by Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) and the International Russophile Movement. The following speeches have been published until today: Video adress sent by Sergey Lavrov, ...