By Abbas Djuma The chairman of Türkiye’s Vatan Party speaks about the influence of the US, Palestine, and Israel, and the future of NATO When I told some of my colleagues and experts on Türkiye that I was going to Istanbul to visit the chairman of Türkiye’s Patriotic Party (Vatan Partisi), Doğu Perinçek, the reactions were mixed. They ranged from ...

The Russian political party “United Russia” held the first “For the Freedom of Nations” International Forum of Supporters of the Struggle Against Modern Practices of Neocolonialism on 16-17 February 2024 in Moscow. It brought together over 400 participants from more than 55 countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the CIS. United World International author and ...

The Turkish parliament gave its approval to Sweden’s NATO membership on 23 January. This approval has been a precondition for the US to allow the sale of the 40 F-16 fighter jets to Türkiye. On 26 January, the US government approved the sale. But the process is not yet finalized. There seems to be a dispute between the US and ...

Since the US-backed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has shifted its focus towards Eastern countries. In this period, cooperation in energy, economic, political, and even military fields has been developed with countries in the region, primarily Russia and Iran. However, the AKP government has failed to develop an economic model alternative US-centered ...

UWI author, Doctor of Historical Sciences, representative of the Vatan (Patriotic) Party Mehmet Perinçek, in an interview with Russian, called Ankara’s agreement to Sweden’s entry into NATO “a betrayal of the Turkish people” due to serious disagreements and conflicts with NATO. Among such problems, he named the Alliance’s position towards the PKK and the Palestinian issue. “The expansion of ...

Last week in Türkiye, 12 soldiers were martyred as a result of attacks by the PKK terrorist organization. In response to the incident, there came statements from political parties as public outrage grew. Another topic under discussion was the initial approval in the Parliament for Sweden’s NATO membership. PKK attacks on Turkish Armed Forces base in Northern Iraq On December ...

The Turkish parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee approved a bill, by which Türkiye gives green light to Sweden’s adhesion to NATO. As a next step, the bill will be presented to the parliament’s general assembly, which will hold the final vote on the issue. The Vatan Party made a public declaration on the matter, criticizing the decision and demanding a referendum ...

7th anniversary of the July 15 coup attempt Türkiye commemorated the martyrs on the 7th anniversary of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt by the US/NATO-backed Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization (FETÖ). President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the ceremony to commemorate the seventh anniversary of July 15: “I respectfully commemorate all the brave individuals who selflessly embraced martyrdom without hesitation for ...

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan agreed to submit Sweden’s NATO membership to the approval of the Turkish Grand National Assembly during the trilateral summit in Vilnius. The joint statement after the summit on the evening of July 10 involves “Sweden’s steps to address Türkiye’s concerns” like intensifying the fight against the terrorist organization PKK and even making amendments in related laws. ...

By Turhan Özlü Türkiye has been a NATO member since 71 years. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that our country suffered the most among NATO member countries. NATO claims to be a defense alliance, but its hostile actions against us have revealed its aggressive nature. Coups, attempted coups, assassinations targeting patriotic intellectuals, incitement of civil war and massacres ...