Great Britain rose to the status of monetary hegemon in 1871 with widespread adoption of the gold standard. During the gold standard of the late nineteenth century, Britain became the greatest exporter of financial capital. Its capital city, London, also became center of the world gold, money, and financial markets. The end of World War II witnessed the recentralization of ...

The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia have announced the creation of “an enhanced trilateral security partnership” called AUKUS on September 15. AUKUS aims to “meet the challenges of the twenty-first century”, the joint statement of three countries said. “As a first initiative”, the three sides will cooperate to develop a nuclear-powered submarines for Australia, the statement declared, adding ...

On March 16th, the British Government has published a report titled “Global Britain in a competitive age: The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy”. The report begins with a forward by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and was presented to the British Parliament. The government has started work on the report, shortened as “Integrated Review”, early 2020 ...

The notion of ‘Global Britain’ has emerged roughly 20 years ago and became since then the UK’s official government slogan, widely used by the Prime Ministers Cameron, May and Johnson. The concept aims to define the UK’s new role in international politics and its domestic adjustment. “Global Britain” follows the “Realist School” of International Relations Theory, emphasizing the anarchic nature ...