By Jacques Cheminade * The policy of the French government towards the war in Ukraine is based on a contradiction in principle. On the one hand French government proclaims, along with other EU member states and the US, the need for Ukraine to win this war, fully participates in the sanctions against Russia and sends arms to Kiev. On the ...

Most serious observers agree that the sanctions regarding Russian oil decided upon recently by the EU, will not only not hurt Russia’s revenues, but will probably boost them by raising the price of oil. These sanctions will at the same time damage a European Union that is badly needing to import energy and which seems well heading into a process ...

By Gökhan Dağtekin This week Germany experienced one of the largest security operations in its history. The German state and mainstream media accused the group “Reichsbürger” (Reich citizens) of plotting to seize power by attacking the Bundestag (German Federal Parliament). Chief Public Prosecutor Peter Frank has stated that the members of the group are determined and therefore the threat is ...

Winter has come early to Moscow. The dawn is breaking with a cold nimbus over the city.  A very spicy marketplace in Moscow While the lamps in the houses are coming on, those on the streets are slowly going off. People are getting ready. Soon there will begin a great struggle between the city and nature. Curly smokes rise from ...

The first snow of the year fell in Moscow. A delicate white blanket has spread over the city that won’t be gone until spring. Pigeons abandoned the rooftops to the snow and began to roost in the parks. As the rooftops, the streets also became deserted. City dwellers retreated to their homes and high-ceilinged cafes. Those still outside quickened their ...

By Guillermo Martín Caviasca * The struggle for world order that has been developing on the planet for some time now is unfolding in multiple fields: a central one is the economy, but also culture, political forms of organization of states, international institutions etc. are spheres of conflict. But in times of extreme contradictions manifested in the form of war, ...

The conflict at the border on the territory of Poland, November 15, 2022, was about to trigger the Third World War, judging by the hysterical headlines in the media. There was an incident in the east of the country in the village of Przewodów. Objects fell to the ground, which were mistaken for “Russian missiles” even before any examination. Two ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * In a surprising statement made during a press conference on Monday the 7th, the spokesman for the United States Department of State, Ned Price, said that the crisis in Ukraine “has to end through dialogue and diplomacy”. Price continued straighforward: “There will be no decisive victory on the battlefield.” Without wanting to draw conclusions a ...

We continue our attempts to catch Latin American perceptions of the Ukraine crisis and the “global transition to a new order”. The quote actually belongs to Hugo Moldiz. A former Minister of Interior in the Evo Morales’ government, Moldiz is today a member of the Guevarist Movement, Army of National Liberation, an expert on international politics and author from Bolivia. ...

The Ukraine crisis continues to dominate global politics. Hence, we started our interview with Javier Gutiérrez, Member of the National Executive Committee of the Labor Party (Partido de Trabajo). But as we are in Mexico, the interview evolved fast to the President’s peace proposal, than to US-Mexican relations, with the upcoming elections in mind. At the end, it was the ...