Dr. Mehmet Perinçek, Faculty Member of Moscow State University, made an assessment to Sputnik on the European Police Agency Europol’s announcement that it had detected arms smuggling cases from Ukraine to European countries, posing the risk of weapons falling into the hands of criminal and terrorist groups. Reminding that Ukranian border and customs officials were already worldwide infamous for bribery ...

This week, the world’s eyes were on the Tehran Summit. Speaking of the “world” is not an exaggeration, because the summit dealt with issues that war prone to cause not only regional but global effects. And it also presented an according model of cooperation. The reunion between Türkiye, Russia and Iran by itself is an incident capable of changing global ...

United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated the Türkiye-NATO agreement to Iranian media. Türkiye agreed to lift opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO. How do you see such a move? While evaluating this decision from the Turkish government, we should take into account the fact that presidential elections will be held in Türkiye next year, and the current ...

Many distinguished intellectuals, activists, working people, trade unionists and politicians from all five continents have just pointed out, by signing an appeal to world public opinion, the enormous nuclear, ecological, social and economic dangers for all humanity provoked by the conflict in Ukraine and the unleashed Cold War. The appeal, drafted by the Initiative for the revival of the Bandung ...

Russia’s military campaign against Ukraine, launched on February 24, has caused hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to flee the country. How many Ukrainians have emigrated? Which countries did the Ukrainian refugees go to? What is the legal basis of protection for refugees? What is the economic dimension of hosting refugees? Criticism of Europe and the West for double standards on ...

Because of the Draghi government’s blind Atlanticism, a country like Italy, which despite its position in the Western bloc has always maintained good relations with Moscow even in the Soviet times, has ended up espousing extremist positions similar to those of the Polish government. Indeed, Rome continues to send arms to the Kiev regime and does not oppose sanctions and ...

Despite being against international law and fundamental human rights, unilateral sanctions by the USA and Europe have now become common practice today. And the sanctions against Russia are not the first of their kind. Our region has experienced embargoes against Iran and even Iraq before. These sanctions harm everyone Those sanctions clearly did not only target the governments of Iran ...

Onur Sinan Guzaltan has visited the cities where the Russo-Ukrainian conflict took place. He had meetings with the local residents and the officials in the area. Following is the second part of his observations. The heat of the conflict and the destruction brought by it increases as we get closer to the Sea of Azov. We are at the outskirts ...

My journey to the ground zero of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine began in Moscow. The terminal stop of the train I took from Moscow to reach the Rostov-on-Don, a city closer to the Ukrainian border, is the Adler Train Station near the Black Sea coast. The train is full of domestic tourists on their way for holiday. Fully ...

The Ukraine conflict is opening up debates about the current and future nature of the international system. Led by the US, Western countries frequently claim thar Russia’s military operation threatens the global “rules based order”. Hence, they do acknowledge that a profound change is taking place. Others meanwhile claim the rise of a new, multipolar world order. This argument finds ...