US plans to surround countries like Russia, China, Iran or Turkey, which constitute obstacles for Washington, are no secret. When we take a look at the Ukrainian crisis and the recent recognition of the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, then we observe that this is connected to the general conflict constellation. The United States’ goals in the Ucraine crisis ...

British soldiers will leave Ukraine, according to James Heappe, UK Minister of the Armed Forces. The United States also confirmed its readiness to evacuate its own citizens and troops in case of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Is this already a capitulation? Well, it is a bit too early to celebrate. The Western media is still bombing audiences with the next ...

A lot has been written and said about the crisis in Ukraine. The debate has been filled with unnecessary details alongside an overload of disinformation. The reality, however, manages to shine through the mud, simply and forcefully, as it always has been. The USA, now struggling to keep up with its claim of a unipolar world after the collapse of ...

As the Ukrainian crisis continues, the US propaganda that “The Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent”, has gained more momentum. It is unavoidable to think that the war will come tomorrow morning, when one reads the White House statements. We have discussed the latest events in the Ukrainian crisis with the United World International expert Mehmet Perincek. Russia does not ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. First was the ongoing currency crisis and the sudden drop in value of Turkish Lira. Second was ex-Prime Minister Binali Yildirim’s statement on the potential membership of Russia and China in the Organization of Turkic States. Third had been the recent offer from Turkish offer to ...