As a result of the midterm elections for US Congress, the Democrats kept the majority in the Senate with a single vote, while the Republicans have won the majority in the House of Representatives. Biden is now expected to face a heavy opposition when issuing any executive order. The Civil War-alike division within the American society is deepening even further. ...

Second part of Şafak Erdem’s interview with Latif Bolat on the US Midterm elections and fundamental contradiction with the US. Do you think the US election will have an impact on the war in Ukraine? What kind of changes might occur? There are reports in the press that even Biden has sent intermediaries to Zelensky, telling him to seek a ...

Interview by Şafak Erdem “According to the current political picture, the Republican Party and Donald Trump will win the election on November 8, 2022 in a big way. That’s why the American establishment has been trying to discredit Trump ever since he stepped out of the White House in 2020.” The U.S. Senate approved nearly $40 billion in new aid ...

By Ali Rıza Taşdelen French President Emmanuel Macron took over the European Union’s (EU) rotating presidency on Saturday for the next six months. France also took the lead of NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) for a period of one year. In 2021, Turkey commanded this unit. Although he has not yet announced his candidacy, Macron, who made ...