Who was behind the the assassination of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh? How is the assassination different from previous actions targeting Iranian scientists? Was Fakhrizadeh the only one targeted? Experienced Iranian journalist Mohammed Gadiri answered these questions for us. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, one of the key figures in the Iranian nuclear program, was not only a scientist, but also Iran’s Deputy Defense ...

Over the last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been occupied with two hot topics. The first was the battle of words between Mike Pompeo and Mevlut Cavusoglu, the two top diplomats of the United States and Turkey, at a NATO meeting. The second was the recent decisions taken on nationwide lockdowns and the vaccination plan made with the ...

President Donald Trump will go down in US history as the president who most openly challenged China in terms of trade wars, technological competition and geopolitics. China has suffered much from the measures that Trump has taken – but at least it was an open game. With the possible arrival of Joe Biden and his team, US-China relations will certainly ...

Turkey’s former Ambassador to Washington Faruk Logoglu and Retired Brigadier General, Assoc. Dr. Fahri Erenel have commented on possible US-Turkey relations and foreign policy under President Biden. Despite continued push back from current US President Donald Trump, procedures are beginning for the transition to Joe Biden’s presidency next year. President elect Biden said, “The election is over, it is time ...

US elections In early November, presidential elections were held in the US, in which Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden faced off. The election results remain controversial – many people tend to question the fairness of the election given the opaque counting system and President Trump’s claims that the elections had serious irregularities. Only some states have certified Biden’s ...

The turmoil in the American elections is an unquestionable and concrete reflection of the collapse of the United States of America. The internal turmoil will continue regardless of who becomes the President of the United States. These shocking internal upheavals will conclude when the US ceases to impose its hegemony on the world. LET BYGONES BE BYGONES We need to ...

What are the fundamental differences between Joe Biden’s planned policies and those of Donald Trump; how will this affect the current geopolitical order? Over the last 30 years, American democrats have traditionally pursued a policy of liberal interventionism – interference in the affairs of other states under the pretext of human rights and the protection of democracy. While in the ...

There are not many people in the world who doubt that Israeli secret services are responsible for the assassination of the prominent Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the “father” of the Iranian nuclear program. Without openly admitting it, the Israelis did nothing to amuse such impressions, instead they “anonymously” admitted their responsibility to the New York Times. The assassination of the ...

US obscurity: legal wars The results of the presidential elections in the US are still unknown. The candidates – Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump – each consider themselves the winner. Despite the statements of mainstream media supporting Biden, there are no real results. The plan is for the United States to confirm the election results by the critical ...

The United States presidential elections on November 3 has sparked two important outcomes, the first of which was the second largest turnout in US history, 67%, a number only surpassed 120 years earlier. The second major outcome was the high-level of polarization present in the course of the election, some of the most intense ever seen in US history. Terms ...