On January 20, Joe Biden began serving as president of the United States. His foreign policy team is virtually complete, mostly made up of former officials from Barack Obama’s administration with whom Biden has worked in the past. However, Biden’s foreign policy will not be a simple continuation of Obama’s. The international and domestic political situation have changed. The Neocons ...

The year 2020 was a year of important tests for global politics and the world economy. The coronavirus pandemic has raised questions about how prepared the modern world-system and nation-states are for such global challenges. On the one hand, global institutions (and the UN in particular) call for unity of all states in the fight against a common threat. On ...

2020 has been one of the strangest, hardest and most eventful years this century. It began with the high-profile assassination of IRGC General Qassem Soleimani by the Americans, which almost provoked a war between Iran and the US, the fires in Australia, continued with the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, massive protests in the United States, the attempted colour revolution in Hong ...

By Andre Fields In The Beginning Imagine growing up in a world where heritage defines almost everything about who you are. American’s won’t have a hard time with this, because this is the world we live in today. Now imagine that you and almost an entire nationality of people have no idea what their heritage even is. This is the ...

As 2019 remains fresh in living memory, a year of much U.S. backed violence around the world, one might say Washington is receiving a gargantuan dose of Karma considering the chaos that has so quickly engulfed its country. The participants of America’s most recent wave of insurrection, violent and peaceful, are not wreaking havoc and meeting with foreign imperialist leaders ...

New coronavirus outbreak in China China, the first to defeat the dangerous wave of coronavirus, has taken new tough measures in response to the discovery of new Covid-19 infections in Beijing. It all started with the detection of the virus on a salmon board in the Xinfadi market, Fengtai, Beijing’s largest wholesale market. According to the press service of the ...

During the ongoing anti-police brutality protests in the US, President Donald Trump suggested declaring the ‘Antifa’ movement a terrorist organization. “The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization”, he said. The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2020 The extremism of these ...

Libyan front: Erdogan and Sarraj’s meeting, the GNA’s advancement, Haftar in Egypt On June 4, the Government of National Accord secured complete control of Tripoli. Last week, the GNA launched a large offensive on the LNA – as a result on June 6, the GNA entered Sirte  (the hometown of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi). The LNA captured Sirte in ...

For a week now, mass protests have continued in the United States calling for racial and social justice. Parts of the National Guard have been introduced in many states and Washington, D.C. America is the largest civil standoff since the 1960s when the country was rocked by protests against racial segregation and the war in Vietnam. Against the background of ...

On the evening of May 27, protests erupted in Minneapolis, Minnesota following the death of George Floyd. On Friday night, May 29, protesters stormed and set fire to a police station… Team members with Minnesota's Multi-Agency Command Center (MACC) joined Guard members on an aerial reconnaissance flight of areas hardest hit during recent unrest. The MACC coordinates law enforcement and ...