By Fikret Akfırat* For Türkiye, with the Eastern Mediterranean issue and the elimination of the PKK presence in Syria, relations with the USA, Russia, Iran, and China are locked in Idlib. The situation in Idlib is the most significant issue in Syria that the Astana partners are unable to settle. As a result, the Astana process is slowed down. More ...

West changes strategy When war broke out in Syria in 2011, Western countries backed rebels, including outright terrorists and extremists. However, as the years have shown, Bashar al-Assad’s regime has proven to be very resilient. Moreover, the Western attack on him has led to the strengthening of Turkey, Iran and Russia in the region. A Russian military base in the ...

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yuva from the University of Damascus, Syria has given an interview published recently in the Turkish channel Ulusal Kanal’s documentary “The Dying Empire” on the global position of the US. United World International presents the text of the interview below. The published interview contains also parts that were not included in the documentary. The PKK as main ...

by Mehmet Kıvanç The election will take place as the Syrian civil war enters the eleventh year of conflict on May 26th. Both in Syria and International power balances are totally different from the 2014 elections. Sarkis Kassarian who has been a war reporter in Damascus and in many other conflict areas sees the possibility of the Arab world recognizing ...

The US has started constructing a new military base in the Northeast of Syria. The base is located in the town of Ain Diwar, right across to the Turkish town of Cizre and also close to the Iraqi-Syrian border. The US forces have deployed military reinforcements including 60 armored vehicles and army-engineering vehicles to carry out excavation, leveling, and construction ...

The so-called Astana Format, comprised of the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey, has concluded its 15th round of talks on February the 17th in the Russian city of Sochi. Following the meeting, the three countries made a joint statement, which UnitedWorld below presents as full text. The representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian ...

The US Think Tank, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies (FDD) has published a report titled “From Trump to Biden: The way forward for U.S. National Security” in January 2021. The report presents policy proposals to the Biden Administration concerning a broad range of countries. In the Middle East, proposals concerning policy towards Turkey and Syria aim to progress the ...