The current tension between the United States of America (USA) and China has peaked due to the coronavirus outbreak. Continuing its efforts to turn the epidemic into an anti-Chinese political campaign, the White House administration is also looking for ways to develop a comprehensive approach to Beijing. The White House administration announced its next steps to the public with the ...

On May 26, US Africa Command (Africom) claimed that Russia had deployed MiG-29 and Su-35 fighter jets as well as Su-24 bombers to Libya. It is reported that the Russian planes were allegedly first sent to Syria, where they were repainted to remove the signs of affiliation, and then brought to Libya to support the Libyan National Army (LNA) of ...

On May 20, the US Congress Research Service released an updated report on the domestic political situation in Iran entitled “Iran: Internal Politics and U.S. Policy and Options”.  The document is intended to provide members of Congress with an adequate understanding of US policy toward the Islamic Republic of Iran. It would be evident to anyone that the report primarily ...

Mid-April saw an explosion of protests across the United States calling for freedom of movement and a repeal of lockdown measures. In Kentucky, Washington, Minnesota, Colorado, Virginia, and Michigan, mass acts of civil disobedience in spite of the global pandemic have courted attention from the highest levels of government and the mainstream media. The protest organizers are a loose alliance ...

Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, confrontation between China and the US has grown increasingly intense. In this regard, Washington’s wild accusations blaming China for the outbreak will definitely continue, as the US tries to facilitate the withdrawal of production from China to other countries, such as India. Western media outlets claim there is serious danger of Chinese “aggression” ...

Military aggravation On May 5 in the disputed area near Pangong Tso in the Ladakh region of India, there were clashes between Chinese and Indian troops. The Hindustan Times reports that the clash that occurred last Saturday involved hundreds of troops on both sides. The Indian air force has intensified sorties in the region. Two Indian Su-30MKI were spotted on ...

Last week, an event took place for the first time in the 40 years following the Cold War. Three American destroyers, an offshore supply vessel and a Royal Navy frigate conducted a drill in the Barents Sea, Russia’s front yard. American maritime patrol aircraft also participated in the drill. What the Gulf of Mexico for the US, the Barents Sea ...

On May 3, 2020, Venezuelan Special Forces prevented an invasion by militants from Colombia. Attackers approached from the sea using fast boats. Eight of the attackers were killed, others were detained. At least two US citizens were arrested who turned out to be Silvercorp mercenaries and former US special forces agents Luke Denman and Aaron Barry. #EnVideo ???? | Luke ...

Political changes in Iraq The Iraqi Parliament has given its support to the Cabinet of Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazemi, thus ending an almost six-month political crisis. Only five candidates remained without a vote of confidence, including the new head of the Foreign Ministry. At the same time, al-Kazemi’s choice has already been approved by the US and Iran, which are ...

Germany should “exclude the stationing of US nuclear weapons in the future,” Rolf Mützenich, the leader of the Social Democrats (SPD) in the Bundestag, declared. “Nuclear weapons on German territory do not heighten our security, just the opposite,” Mützenich said in an interview with Der Tagesspiegel. Mützenich added that the time has come for Germany to rule out a future ...