On January 5, right after the IRGC’s missile attacks on American bases in Iraq, a Ukrainian passenger plane crashed near Teheran. The 737 Boeing aircraft left Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran at 6:12 a.m. Wednesday. There were 176 people aboard, including nine crew members, according to the airline. American media quickly began to circulate information that the crash was ...

In the latest edition (January / February) of Foreign Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) central media organ, an article was published by Fareed Zakaria entitled The New China Scare. In the article, Zakaria points out how US foreign policy is increasingly oriented against China. He believes that this is not only an unrealistic goal, but also contends that ...

Washington’s recent military operation in Iraqi territory against officials of both Iran and Iraq was a violation of the territorial integrity of both nations and an act of terrorism. THE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS On January 3, Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, along with 10 commanders of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces aboard, were in two cars at an airport ...

US foreign policy can almost be summarized in the fact that the country has 600 military bases around the world and Washington’s astronomical annual funding for both warfare and “soft power” efforts. Despite how incredibly concerned their leadership evidently is with the issue, Americans, for the most part, have little interest in foreign policy. If anything there is a penchant ...

Turkish operation in Syria Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation “Source of Peace” in Syria, targeting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and the Islamic State. Erdogan claims that the purpose of the operation is to destroy the terrorist corridor these forces are trying to create on Turkey’s southern border. The Pentagon’s Mark Esper suggested that ...

The Fifth-generation cellular technology network (5-G), which promises higher speed, lower latency, and improved flexibility of wireless services, has become the latest battleground for the US and China. Opinion: The US-China contest has zoned in on the race for 5G domination — and the effect of any US sanctions against Huawei or others is likely to only accelerate Beijing’s efforts ...

Davutoğlu Former Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu announced his resignation from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) on Friday. The AKP unanimously agreed to raise the question of Davutoglu’s expulsion, as well as the head of the parliamentary human rights commission, Ayhan Sefer Üstün, the deputy from Istanbul Abdullah Başcıand former Manisa deputy Selçuk Özden. A founder and prominent figure in the ...

In 2020, the US will hold presidential elections. Voters will decide if Donald Trump will be re-elected for a second term as president or whether one of his democratic contenders will get an opportunity to occupy the White House. Trump has several strengths and weaknesses which will likely factor in to his chances in the elections. Trump’s Strong Suits 1) ...

Journalist Sedat Ergin of the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet recently wrote that the delivery of the S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems coincided with the anniversary of the coup d’état on July 15, 2016, and that this was anything but a coincidence. He stressed that the S-400s arriving from Russia had even landed on the same runway where American F-16 fighters took off ...

In his book “On China,” Henry Kissinger explains the differences between Westerners and the Chinese in their approaches to strategy by comparing Chess and Wei qi (also known as “Go”): “If chess is about the decisive battle, Wei qi is about the protracted campaign. A chess player aims for a decisive victory, a Wei qi player seeks for relative advantage. ...