Senators and Congressmen have introduced both in the House and the Senate several bills and resolutions that propose to designate Mexican drug cartels “foreign terror organizations”. Speaking to UWI, Mexican authors close to the government had evaluated such initiatives as preparing the ground for “cross-border military interventions”. Some bills indeed establish a sanctions regime against foreign governments, should they be ...

By Michael Roberts * On Friday, Californian bank Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) became the largest bank to fail since the 2008 financial crisis. In a sudden collapse that shocked financial markets, it left billions of dollars belonging to companies and investors stranded.  SVB took deposits from and made loans to companies in the heartland of America’s tech sector. The US Federal Deposit ...

By Dr. Najm al-Ahmad Minister of Justice of the Syrian Arab Republic 2012 – 2017, Professor at the Faculty of Law in Damascus University The illegal intervention of the United States in Syria internal affairs can be evaluated altogether as a political, economic and legal issue. The acts of the United States are not based on any legal legitimacy. They can ...

Colombia As a “global partner” of NATO, Colombia enjoys privileged attention from the warmongering alliance. As an expression of this, in recent times, the United States is making great efforts to install a naval base on Gorgona Island in the Colombian Pacific, despite the great rejection of scientists and civil organizations in the region that intend to safeguard a set ...

Second part of our extensive interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and President of the Schiller Institute. And what is your view about the Joe Biden and the previous Donald Trump governments? Do you think there are noticeable differences between these two? And if so, what is/are the main difference(s) between the Democrats and the Republicans? Biden as the main ...

In Sweden, a person named Rasmus Paludan burned the Holy Quran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm under police surveillance. The Swedish government described the incident as a manifestation of freedom of expression. The goal: Clash of civilizations In many parts of the Middle East, especially in Iraq and Syria, ISIS has set houses, shops and churches belonging ...

By Ali Riza Tasdelen * One of the most prominent international guests of the Vatan Party 11th National Congress dedicated to Admiral Soner Polat was from the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, commonly referred as Western Sahara. The Sahrawi President Brahim Ghali has sent a greeting message to the Congress. So, what is Western Sahara and why would their struggle for ...

As a result of the midterm elections for US Congress, the Democrats kept the majority in the Senate with a single vote, while the Republicans have won the majority in the House of Representatives. Biden is now expected to face a heavy opposition when issuing any executive order. The Civil War-alike division within the American society is deepening even further. ...

By Douglas Bolívar / Caracas , Venezuela The visit of a United States delegation to Venezuela and the consideration of lifting of sanctions have pulled into focus the tasks between the Venezuelan government and the opposition. We spoke on their status with Luis Eduardo Martínez, a veteran deputy for the oppositional Acción Democrática in the National Assembly. Martínez is in ...

By Jorge Elbaum * In the last two weeks, the State Department has deployed an ambitious blackmailing persuasion program on countries located in the so-called “Western Hemisphere”, with the aim of limiting their trade and cooperation ties with Moscow and Beijing. The proximity models deployed in Latin America and the Caribbean offer a wide menu of alternatives that range from ...