The United States is paying increasing attention to the conflict in Libya. Although Washington is not currently a key external actor in the events, it is working hard to change that fact.  The US Africa Command is becoming more active in Libya – both by exposing the alleged Russian supply of aircraft to the Libyan National Army and by agreeing ...

Against the backdrop of an ongoing trade war and after numerous sanctions against major Chinese company Huawei, the US Department of Commerce has finally announced that it will allow American companies to cooperate with Huawei. Why, after such a long anti-Chinese campaign, did the US suddenly decide to cooperate with Huawei? And in the meantime, what is actually happening to ...

As 2019 remains fresh in living memory, a year of much U.S. backed violence around the world, one might say Washington is receiving a gargantuan dose of Karma considering the chaos that has so quickly engulfed its country. The participants of America’s most recent wave of insurrection, violent and peaceful, are not wreaking havoc and meeting with foreign imperialist leaders ...

‘Black Lives Matter’ protests continue in the United States over the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who was killed after he was pinned down by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, 2020. Not long after, another black man, Rayshard Brooks, 27, was shot dead by an officer, adding more fuel to the fire ...

UWI talked with the famous fighter Jeff Monson who ceased to be a citizen of US, on the perception of ‘American dream’. He also announced the current news about his sport career. ...

The US, the main sponsor of color revolutions and wars around the world, found itself in its own “American spring” after the murder of African-American George Floyd, who was suffocated by a white policeman. As a result, race issues are still at the top of the political agenda four hundred years after the first slave ships arrived on the continent’s ...

Bilateral trade between countries seems would normally be a rather typical matter. However, when the trade on the agenda between the two countries that have been under the pressure of the United States for a long time with the ultimate goal of destroying these countries entirely, it becomes a symbolic act of resistance against the world imperialist system. Iran has ...

By Dusan Mihajlović The Serbian military humiliated NATO in 1999. The plan of the Western politicians and NATO officials was to finish their job in Serbia within a week. NATO military “experts” estimated that the Serbian military would not be able to resist any longer than that. After 78 days of bombing, mostly civilian targets, NATO showed the falsity of ...

One of the leading institutions of the Israeli lobby in the United States, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), recently declared that “America Must Act In Libya Against Turkey, Russia”. On June 8, Breaking Defense, a well-known US web portal on defense and security issues, posted related material. "The time has come for the United States to assert ...

For a week now, mass protests have continued in the United States calling for racial and social justice. Parts of the National Guard have been introduced in many states and Washington, D.C. America is the largest civil standoff since the 1960s when the country was rocked by protests against racial segregation and the war in Vietnam. Against the background of ...