

Italy and the BRICS alternative

Italy and the BRICS alternative

Joining BRICS would enable Italy to break out the Atlanticist cage.
The streets in Egypt: “What slogan will we shout now?”

The streets in Egypt: “What slogan will we shout now?”

The dominant question along the Nile: Military-centered Egypt or a new state structure.
The assault on the Congress: end of both the American dream and nightmare

The assault on the Congress: end of both the American dream and nightmare

The election process and the assault on the US Congress have also displayed the true face of the American democracy.
Could globalization be the answer to the clash of civilizations?

Could globalization be the answer to the clash of civilizations?

Humanity has reached a critical turning point. Deepening economic crisis, governments desperate in the face of the pandemic, rising popular movements and the military conflicts that we wake up to every day showcase the coming collapse of the established order.
Game theory and policy: Turkey deals US hegemony a death blow

Game theory and policy: Turkey deals US hegemony a death blow

The Rand Corporation is a "research institution" whose main goal is to protect and strengthen US hegemony. Its reports and interests shed light on US politics and its tools developed for their implementation.
Jeff Monson – Why did he give up on US?

Jeff Monson – Why did he give up on US?

UWI talked with the famous fighter Jeff Monson who ceased to be a citizen of US, on the perception of 'American dream'. He also announced the current news about his sport career.
An Analysis of COVID-19 and its Social, Political, Economic, and Psychological Toll on America and the World

An Analysis of COVID-19 and its Social, Political, Economic, and Psychological Toll on America and the World

All major powers, US, China, EU as a whole, and Russia will come out bruised and battered by this Coronavirus, aka COVID-19, and quite possibly its second strain COVID-20 which is forecasted both by our CDC to unravel in the fall of this year.
Is China a globalist state?

Is China a globalist state?

China has managed to draw the world’s attention throughout the course of modern history, beginning with Mao Zedong’s "Long March" in 1934.