By Ali Rıza Taşdelen United World International has held an international online conference last week, on January 24. The event was titled “Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity”, presenting the Malian Minister for Refoundation, İbrahim Ikassa Maiga and Vatan Party Deputy Chairman Prof. Dr. Semih Koray. Press members from many countries, including myself, attended the conference. As someone ...

United World International has organized a webinar on “Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity” on January 24th. Speakers were Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga, Minister of Refoundation of Mali and Semih Koray, United World International expert and Deputy Chairman of the Turkish Vatan Party. Below we document the speech of Koray. Subheadings were set by UWI. I would like to ...

On January 24, United World International organized an international conference  “Mali at the Crossroads of Sanctions and Multipolarity”. Speakers were Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga, Minister of Refoundation of Mali and Semih Koray, Deputy Chairman of the Turkish Vatan Party. During the conference, the speakers discussed sanctions against Mali, Mali’s cooperation with other countries, including Turkey, and the future of the anti-colonial ...

United World International is hosting a webinar on January 24th, 4PM (GMT+3) on the current situation in Mali. Speakers: Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga, Minister of Refoundation, Mali Semih Koray, Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (Turkey)  Albeit a landlocked country, the Republic of Mali has turned into a conflict zone between the unipolar and the multipolar world. Formerly under strong French influence, ...

United World International has organized a webinar titled “The postponement of elections in Libya and the quest for peace in the Eastern Mediterranean” on December 28. The webinar hosted 2 speakers from Libya and 2 speakers from Turkey. From Libya, Dr. Issa Tuwegiar, former Minister of Planning and currently private consultant in strategic planning, and Dr. Mahmud Ahmed Alftise, former ...

Libya’s elections have been postponed, leading to new uncertainties in the country and the regions. Following its recent webinar on Libya with the participation of the Chairman of Libya’s High Council of State, Khaled al-Mishri, which has received considerable international attention, UWI organizes a new online press meeting. The new webinar titled “Postponement of elections and the quest for peace ...

United World International hosted in a webinar Mr. Khaled Al-Mishri, Chairman of the Libyan High Council of State on December 2nd. Al-Mishri announced his institution would “not recognize” the December 24 elections, if these are made “on the ground of the given electoral” laws, criticized the UN mission in Libya as “not constructive since its beginning”, stated that France is ...

LIBYA ON THE EVE OF ELECTIONS: ANALYSIS AND FORECAST Guest: Khaled al-Mishri, Chairman of Libyan High Council of State Date: 2nd of December, 7 PM (GMT+3) In Libya, presidential elections are scheduled for December 24. Domestic and international actors have agreed upon the date by mediation of the United Nations. But various issues, from the electoral law to the allowance ...

“After achieving independence, African countries pursued a de-colonization tied to the former metropole, resulting in lack of economic independence and industrialization. But today, multilateralism opens new possibilities to establish a true and own, African trajectory of development”, said Chris Matlhako, Deputy Secretary General of the South African Communist Party. “African development runs in cycles of approximately 60 years. The continent ...

United World International has organized an international webinar on “West Asia and Palestine” with participation from Palestine, Turkey, Syria, Iran and Pakistan on June 10th, 2021. Today, UWI presents the speech of Prof. Seyed Mohammed Marandi, professor for English Literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran. The speech is presented as delivered, subheading were set by UWI. The full ...