By Douglas Bolívar / Caracas , Venezuela The visit of a United States delegation to Venezuela and the consideration of lifting of sanctions have pulled into focus the tasks between the Venezuelan government and the opposition. We spoke on their status with Luis Eduardo Martínez, a veteran deputy for the oppositional Acción Democrática in the National Assembly. Martínez is in ...

By Douglas Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela (Photos by Pedro Solano, translation and editing by Yunus Soner) “We can produce 1 million barrels per day more by the end of the year, and even sooner, if the US lifts sanctions. With major investment in petrochemicals on the way, Venezuela can turn into the energy locomotive of Latin America,” says Ángel Rodríguez. With ...

Venezuela has experienced a political paradox on January 23, 2019. The then Member of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, proclaimed himself, in a plaza in the east of Caracas, “president in charge” of the Caribbean country, and gradually began to receive the support of the International Community, read from the Trump Administration, and other countries that gravitate in the imperialist orbit. In ...

Following the transition from the Trump to the Biden Administration, US-Venezuela relations keep on being on the Latin American agenda. United World International spoke with Carlos Ron, Vice Minister for North America of the Ministry for Foreign Relations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and President of the Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples, on US-Venezuela relations, ...

The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela extended an invitation to an expert in International Law and International Relations, Ms. Alena Douhan, in her role as Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on human rights. This is the name of the Mandate that, in 2014, the UN Human Rights Council resolved to establish due to ...