By Úrsula Asta and Fernando Esteche * The military escalation of the Israeli occupation war in Palestine, coupled with the increasing synergistic cooperation among major oil-producing countries, primarily those in the Persian Gulf, compel imperial powers to anticipate the resolution of supply chains and sustained energy supply. The punitive sanctions on Venezuela were initially imposed by the Trump-Bolton duo, and ...

In the heart of Latin America, there is an enchanting country nestled between the mountains and the Caribbean coastline, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – a nation that has found itself at the center of a complex economic and political situation. During a month-long trip to this fascinating country, I had the opportunity to discover the true soul of the ...

Experience has taught me that not all politicians can become statesmen. There is a difference between the two. Basically, the difference consists in the ability that some people develop to manage and lead a country “through thick and thin.” Within this framework, there are two areas that forge the conditions that make it possible to transform any politician into a ...

During the past year, the Venezuelan government developed strong international activity with the aim of continuing to break the overwhelming blockade designed by Washington. The United States had developed this blockade as part of its isolation strategy within the framework of its policy of overthrowing the government of President Nicolás Maduro. Breaking the intended exclusion that was applied to Venezuela ...

By Douglas Bolívar / Caracas, Venezuela The US administration has loosened its sanctions targeting the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on November 26. The Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) within the Treasury Department and responsible for applying sanctions, has granted the US oil company Chevron a license limited authorization to resume pumping oil from Venezuela for the duration of 6 ...

“The U.S. decision gives the opportunity for much broader discussions on bilateral relations”, comments Roy Daza. He is referring to the Biden Administration’s recent decision to permit the US company Chevron limited activities in the Venezuelan oil sector. Daza is Vice-President of the Venezuelan National Assembly’s Commission for Foreign Policy and a Member of the governing United Socialist Party of ...

By Douglas Bolivar / Caracas, Venezuela Venezuela, after the blockade unilaterally imposed by the United States and in force already for a decade, used the Russian and Chinese financial system to make payments to these countries. This is the observation and statement of economist Juan Carlos Valdez concerning the difficulties of the national government not only in determining its income, ...

By Douglas Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela Western countries have imposed sanctions on Russia in response to Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine. The sanctions regime has resulted in a surge of oil prices. As a major oil exporter, Russia is reported to achieve even higher earnings from its oil exports in consequence. Now, the United States and its Western allies have started ...

Douglas Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela The global economy is struggling with high inflation, problems in supply chains, widespread poverty. One of the most debated topics are energy and specifically oil prices. In that context, eyes have turned to Venezuela, the country with the biggest global oil reserves. On the situation and perspective of the Venezuelan economy, we spoke with Ramón Lobo. ...

By Douglas Bolivar, Caracas / Venezuela “Our current production is oscillating between 800,000 and 900,000 barrels per day. In December 2021 we reached a production peak of one million 40 thousand barrels”, confirms Deputy Willian Rodríguez, President of the Hydrocarbons Sub-Commission of the National Assembly of Venezuela. Rodríguez assigns to the workforce of the industry decisive achievements in this goal, ...