The Schiller Institute has organized in Paris an international conference titled “Water for Peace”. Various speakers from different countries participated on the conference held in January 9, 2024. As United World International, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of Odile Mojon, one of the organizers. Below is the second and final ...

The Schiller Institute has organized in Paris an international conference titled “Water for Peace”. Various speakers from different countries participated on the conference held in January 9, 2024. As United World International, we consider the conference of strategic value and will publish in two parts the notes of Odile Mojon, one of the organizers. Below is the first part. In ...

Most observers today ask whether the zero hour of the first water war is upon us, after the rapid developments in the positions of the three countries, Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on the issue of the Renaissance Dam. Egyptian preparedness Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi directed, during his recent meeting with the army leaders, to show the utmost readiness ...

On May 19, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok held talks with his Egyptian counterpart Mustafa Madbouli on the Nile dam project in Ethiopia (Grand Ethiopean Renaissance Dam – the GERD). The Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Water Resources of the two countries also took part in the conversation. “In a teleconference meeting, Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and his Egyptian ...