The conflict at the border on the territory of Poland, November 15, 2022, was about to trigger the Third World War, judging by the hysterical headlines in the media. There was an incident in the east of the country in the village of Przewodów. Objects fell to the ground, which were mistaken for “Russian missiles” even before any examination. Two ...

June 9th, 2022 Three months after the launching of what amounts to a sui generis world war against Russia (*), two important interventions, asking for de-escalation and some kind of peace with Moscow, came from Henry Kissinger, speaking to the Davos meeting of and from the New York Times. It seems, like Henderlin noticed, that where evil grows, also grows the ...

What is happening around Ukraine in recent weeks worries each of us. We know that a new war would bring new tragedies not only for the people of Ukraine, but for the whole world. From this point of view, we do not want a war, but it seems that some forces are determined to push one. It is not right ...