A strong wind has moved the cornerstones of the established order such that things will never be the same again. Today we are seeing a deepening economic crisis, global  pandemic , masses in the streets on every continent, ever-growing military conflicts, statues and national symbols torn from their pedestals. The alleged “truths” of the established order are being toppled one ...

The pre-pandemic trends away from the West have been accelerating and starting to take its shape gradually over the course of the pandemic, but have brought with them many paradoxes. ‘DISORDERED WORLD ‘ High Representative of the European Union(EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell’s expressions serve as a brief summary of the situation: “The world order was ...

The unreal fluctuations in the oil prices, considered to be the lifeblood of the global finance system, the dysfunction of international and regional organizations such as the World Health Organization, the European Union and NATO, and the administrative disturbances in imperial the centers, and particularly in the United States (for example, the rise in disputes between federal and state administrations), ...

To begin with, I must state the projected fact that all major powers, US, China, EU as a whole, and Russia will come out bruised and battered by this Coronavirus, aka COVID-19, and quite possibly its second strain COVID-20 which is forecasted both by our CDC (Center for Disease Control) and well as the WHO (World Health Organization) to unravel ...

While futures contracts for WTI (West Texas Intermediate) crude oil in the US expired in May, the price of the WTI-type oil fell by more than 300% this week, the value dropping to negative 37.63 by contract holders avoiding physical delivery of the oil. Oil prices have fallen below zero for the first time in history in an environment where ...

The greatest nightmare for the sailors, especially for a ship commanding officer or a captain, is dragging the anchor. Because of heavy wind or strong current, the dragging ship is unable to hold its position, even with engine power. At some point, the ship will likely strand. If the stranded ship hits the sand there may be a chance to ...

Global security paradigms have shifted dramatically as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Politicians, social commentators and thinkers are actively discussing what has now become the greatest threat to humanity, suprassing even terrorism in terms of the global concern it has inspired. Humanity has survived wars and pandemics for ages, albeit sometimes at horrendous costs. However, no matter how bad ...

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin, who recovered Russia which was politically, economically and socially dispersed, once again succeeded in making Moscow one of the center of the world in foreign policy.  Through the period we have been passing in which the relations between Turkey and Russia are deepening and the paths of the two countries are aligned,understanding ...

Europe Elections in Greece: A right turn On July 7 in Greece, early parliamentary elections were held. The “New Democracy” party led by Kyriakos Mitsotakis was later announced the winner with 39.7% of the vote. On July 9, Mitsotakis took office as the new head of government, while the left coalition ” Syriza” stepped down from power. The election results demonstrate that the vast majority of Greeks are disappointed in ...