Taking A Stand Against Imperialism: Turkey Must Close Down Its US Military Bases

As the CAATSA sanctions show, reconciliation with American imperialism is only possible as long as you submit to its repression.

Ergo, policies relying on cracks in US domestic politics or presidential changes will, no doubt, end inconclusively.

Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Libya, Iran, Liberia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union are all good examples.

While those who avoided making compromises and struggled won, those who sought a reconciliation with imperialism, including the Soviet Union, became historical losers.



Presidential changes in the States sometimes mean a change of method, but the ultimate objective does not change, which is to control geo-strategic centers, especially Eurasia, which is defined as the heartland.

For all practical purposes, they have used direct military intervention methods during the Bush eras, as well as follow a “soft power” policy based on non-governmental organizations and social movements followed by Obama.

The policies of the Trump era, which were called “isolationist”, were actually meant to contain Turkey and Iran through Israel and emirates in the Gulf in our region, can turn into the weakening-resisting-forces-by-internal-cracks policy in the Biden administration.

It is useful to underline that although the methods of American imperialism towards our region change, its ultimate goal, i.e., to establish economic, military, social and political domination, never changes.



The CAATS sanctions, which have been imposed on Turkey just before Biden settles in at the White House, indicate that the oppression of Turkey will only increase in the forthcoming period.

The Economy is identified as Turkey’s weakest link in all US-Israeli origin assessments. The Eastern Mediterranean and northern Syria are pointed out as the areas in which the operations against Turkey keep being performed.

It has been repeatedly written and said by experts on economics that it is not possible to resist the oppression with a model based on Tourism, Construction and Textile, industries far from more stable areas such as agricultural and industrial production.

The continuation of this unstable model is the pursuit of speculative gains and following fluctuations in foreign exchange which the country cannot directly influence, making it dependent on foreign countries.
The way out is to pursue a production-oriented economy.

As seen throughout history, the way to resist imperialism is to develop a self-reliant economy.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk formulated the relationship between resistance to imperialism and economic power with the following words that shed light on today; “No matter how great the political and military victories are, if they are not crowned with economic victories, the successes that will be achieved cannot survive and cannot be permanent.”

The issues of forming an alliance and strengthening the current alliance as well as military solutions in Eastern Mediterranean and northern Syria where the imperialist oppression is supposed to increase, stand in front of Turkey.

A broad front consisting of the US-EU-Israel and a part of the Gulf countries in Eastern Mediterranean is positioned before Turkey. Turkey, on the other hand, is trying to bear the attacks through the military / political / diplomatic activities in North Africa, Libya in particular, by strengthening its position in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. However, there is a process that requires Turkey to lead the current alliance to Eastern Mediterranean and to form new alliances in the region.

In this regard;

1. The steps to be taken by Azerbaijan to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and to share its experience in energy lines in the Eastern Mediterranean;

2. Russia’s official recognition of the TRNC, with whom we cooperate in various fields, including in the north of Syria, the role Russia can play between Turkey and Arab countries as well as the cooperation in Libya;

3. Iran’s overall support of Turkey’s thesis in Eastern Mediterranean, which is the target of a US-Israeli attack, just like Turkey, besides the steps for the TRNC, have recently risen to prominence.

Apart from this, it is important to revive diplomatic relations with Arab countries that have coasts in Eastern Mediterranean, especially Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.

On the other hand, in Syria where imperialist forces are directly involved, the Turkish-Russian-Iranian cooperation cooperation initiated by the Astana process and direct contact between Ankara and Damascus have become critically important.



In addition to the steps to be taken in the economic measures and diplomatic field, a clear answer that Turkey could deliver to the States is to close down US military bases located within the boundaries of Turkey, especially Incırlık Air Base, and to impose sanctions like CAATSA on American parties and institutions within the framework of the principle of reciprocity.

A motion proposed to the Assembly calling for the closure of American bases in Turkey would clearly unveil who is siding with whom.

It is no longer possible to maintain Turkey’s balancing act between East and West.

As shown by sanctions, the US has declared the Republic of Turkey an enemy of the state.

It is necessary to determine that Turkish-American relations will grow more tense with the new administration in the White House and develop policies accordingly: pinning our hope upon Biden is out of the question.

The warning of the great revolutionary Che Guevara, who fought against American imperialism on different fronts, at the United Nations on December 11, 1964, is still valid today; “Imperialism can never be trusted.”