The Blue Homeland is uniting the Turkish youth

August 10 was the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Sevres- it was also the day RV MTA Oruc Reis commenced its mission of seismic exploration in Turkey’s Eastern Mediterranean continental shelf, which had been postponed. As the RV MTA Oruc Reis departed from Antalya,  while Greece, the EU and the United States began to launch counter-measures on every imaginable front, the Turkish navy had already completed a deployment of almost 80 warships to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Seas in a dynamic, effective and swift manner. This is not to mention all the aircraft, helicopters and armed/unarmed UAVs mobilized to support the Navy.

The Air Force was deployed for tactical air support, air superiority and interception in a very short time. This is a tradition inherited from Turkey’s past, and is conducted regardless of the circumstances. However, it is worth mentioning that the public’s support for the Blue Homeland and the Navy was as important as the military deterrence.


The national support behind the Navy is even more important than the most advanced strategic weapon. In this context, the adoption of the Blue Homeland ideal by the public will greatly contribute to the cooperation of the government and the opposition parties in regard to maritime geopolitics. The Blue Homeland, which represents our sovereignty and our jurisdiction on the seas surrounding us, is at the center of Turkey’s 21st century geopolitical strategy. It is also a symbol of maritimization, with the state and with its people aiming for unification of Anatolian lands with the seas in geopolitical, political, economic and cultural dimensions. The Blue Homeland is also the main doctrine of a resistance against the second Sevres, which has been imposed on Turkey, by the United States/EU via Greece and the Greek Cypriots, particularly in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Seas.


The Blue Homeland, which is vital for our today and our future, must always be held above internal politics. Our seismic exploration and drilling activities are supported by gunboat/naval diplomacy. In pursuing this goal, our Navy takes its power from the national defense industry and Turkish Naval leadership. The diplomatic and legal processes for the jurisdiction over maritime zones and the signing of mutual maritime agreements are the main fields of action of the Blue Homeland Doctrine. The Blue Homeland rejects the Kurdish puppet state with sea access from the south. It rejects ethnic nationalism with its extremely dangerous consequences and the federal solution plan for the TRNC, as well as the withdrawal of Turkish troops that would follow. It suggests the abandoning of the Ikhwanist foreign policy strategy from the beginning and the making of a maritime delimitation agreement based on mutual interests with Egypt.

It supports the continuation of support to the Government of National Accord in Libya, and the presence of a Turkish naval base in the region. It supports the development of  relations with Russia that will allow it to gain mutual benefits as well as provide a balance against pressure from the US and the EU. It suggests making maritime delimitation agreements with Lebanon and Israel similar to the Libyan maritime delimitation agreement, developed under the Doctrine of Admiral Cihat Yayci. It also supports the declaration of an EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) in the Mediterranean for the further development of our fishing activities and the protection of our fauna in the Eastern Mediterranean.


The Blue Homeland has been on the Turkish public agenda since the spring of 2019. The adoption of the Blue Homeland by the younger generations has been particularly strong. Millions of young people have begun to pay great attention to what is happening in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean Seas through the Blue Homeland. Facing a situation that resembles a Second Sevres era for Turkey has played an important role for this awareness to develop. The situation facing Turkey as a result of the malignant map of the Seville University, which originated from the EU, is being shared among young people through digital technology and social media. The high-profile of the successful advertisement of the Naval Forces in media and promotional activities between 2018-2020 (June), has played a significant role.

Even though there are all kinds of social and political leanings and different party affiliations among the youth, they have managed to establish a strong patriotic front with the common values of the Blue Homeland. In this broad spectrum of politics, the youth has been greatly united. This is very important for our future and for our independence. It is enough to make a quick search on social media to understand this situation. The interest and love for the Blue Homeland among young people peaked on August 10, 2020, with the departure of our RV MTA Oruc Reis vessel from Antalya.


The Blue Homeland hashtag was trending worldwide on Twitter at midnight on the evening of August 10. As we all know, Twitter is one of the most popular venues used to create public opinion and to share opinions. There are some topics on Twitter that circulate in the public agenda throughout the day. Trend Topic, TT in the Twitter jargon designating that a topic is on the agenda, peaking as a result of a commonly used hashtags. The TT list expresses the popular topics on the Twitter agenda, keeping users informed. There is a TT list for both national trends and worldwide trends. While the national TT list shows the agenda of the country, the worldwide TT list shows the global agenda. It is extremely difficult to stay on the worldwide TT list; even making into the national TT list requires an organized effort and the attention of a significant audience, given that Twitter has over 321 million active users, according to the data from February 2019. The topics that reach Twitter’s agenda are debated more in the public; and the further details and contents of these topics are discussed and searched more.

Making it into the worldwide TT list and being the first on that list is very important in terms of the awareness and attention of the world. The Blue Homeland was first on the worldwide TT list on the night of August 10. This success was a manifestation of the Republic of Turkey’s determination to tear apart the Second Sevres on the seas after 100 years, and the support of young people on social media.


100 years later, Turkey must face the Sevres on the seas, and defeat it. It is incredibly harmful to advocate for Greece and the Greek Cyprus, which represents the interests of imperialism. It is critical not to become a pawn of the EU and US imposition, and to attack the geopolitical future of the state. It is wrong to work toward a collapse in the state, especially given that imperialism is certain to use such a situation to its advantage. Today’s National Oath (Misaki Milli), is the Blue Homeland, and today’s National Powers (Kuvayi Milliye) are the Naval Forces of the Republic.

This struggle is the struggle of the next 100 years. Geography and geopolitics have the last say when it comes to these issues. Both the government and the opposition parties should unite under the Blue Homeland. The youth will surely continue to set an example for the older generations in this regard.