The Iranian Ambassador in Türkiye on why Iran attacked Israel

The world is discussing the Iranian attack on Israel on April 14. The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Türkiye provided UWI with an interview of the H.E. the Ambassador, Mohammed Hasan Habibollah Zadeh, describing his country’s objectives.

Below we present the interview. UWI translated the interview from Turkish to English and set the title and subtitles.

Failure of the UN Security Council to uphold international law

Why has Iran attacked Israel?

The Zionist regime’s terror attack against the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus, Syria on April 1, 2024, is evaluated as a strong violation of international law, of the UN Charter and specifically its article 2 (4) regarding the immunity of diplomatic buildings and embassies.

To avoid increasing regional tensions, the Islamic Republic of Iran firstly focused on the legal, international and diplomatic path and later demanded from the United Nations Security Council to condemn this criminal terror attack and to take decided and appropriate measures to prosecute those responsible for it and to prevent such acts from happening again.

Unfortunately, due to the approach of the 3 Western permanent members, the Council failed in condemning this act and allowed the Israeli regime to violate basic principles of international law.

Moreover, since the murders in the Gaza Strip started 7 months ago, no serious step has been taken to stop the crimes of the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people.

Facing the fact the UN Security Council did not make any statement to condemn the recent criminal act, the Islamic Republic of Iran had no other choice but to punish the Israeli regime within the right of self-defense in accordance with UN Charter Article 51.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has acted with great restraint but reached a final position where the Zionist regime had to pay for its acts. The Israeli regime’s current policy follows the objective to maintain power and escape justice by widening and intensifying the conflict.

Unfortunately, the UN Security Council has shown the greatest inaction. The UN must not allow that the ambitions of a bandit regime and the interests of Western powers that support it take that institution hostage.

The UN Security Council must fulfill its obligations and fight against the true threat to international peace and security. It must end the Israeli regime’s recklessness in violation of international law by coercing this regime within its duties in the UN Charter chapter 7.

The objective of the operation

Some argue that Iran’s attack on Israel was insufficient and criticize that. What is your opinion on that?

The Islamic Republic of Iran acted in the necessary and appropriate way. It just targeted those military targets that participated in the terror attack against our embassy in Damascus. The Iranian Armed Forces did not target any civilian or economic area.

The objective of this operation was to deliver a message to the opponent. The Islamic Republic of Iran does not intend to raise regional tensions. Therefore, following the operation, Iran has announced that the matter was concluded but that, should the Israeli regime counteract, Iran would respond swiftly and comprehensively.

While warning the Israeli regime of any military adventures, the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized its determination to defend its territorial integrity, defense of its people, prevent any harm to its security and national interests by responding to any threat in accordance with international law.

Project of Greater Israel  

Is the project of a Greater Israel applicable?

There is no doubt that the Israeli regime seeks expansion. Since 1948, this regime has ignored international decisions and widened its occupation of Palestinian lands. First, they wanted limited territory, then they took half of the Palestinian lands, then they brought the occupation of the entire Palestinian territory on the agenda. And after that, they occupied parts of the territory of the countries neighboring Palestine.

At this very moment, the main objective of Zionism is to establish a Greater Israel. But thanks to the Resistance, those desiring to realize a dream from the Nile to the Euphrates have been drowned in Gaza.

US attempts to divide countries in the Middle East / West Asia

The USA is tearing apart united countries in the Middle East. It divides the governments of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and others. Do you see a similar threat in Türkiye and Iran?

Undoubtedly, there has long been plans in the making to start a divide and transform the Islamic countries, just as it had happened in the beginning of the 20th century.

The Broader Middle East Plan, that achieved certain changes in areas, while at the same time ending in important failures, was one of these. The Broader Middle East Plan aimed to convert the regional countries into one sole system based on the orientation of Israel.

The application of this plan was causing the appearance of smaller new states that, due to their size and weakness, generally became allies of Israel. Regional, ethnic and religious differences between regional countries are another important factor in this plan.  

In addition, extra-regional countries have supported and armed terrorism as well as extremism in the region by destructive interventions to cause unrest. This is considered another important element of that plan.