The UN’s new global migration pact

UN members adopted the Global pact for safe, orderly and regular migration in Morocco, after 6 months of discussions between more than 150 countries.

While the new document cannot force states to follow the rules it lays out, it does have a strong advisory and “team-building” nature. At the same time, on the European level, pressure is being put on countries to comply: the document emphasizes that a given state cannot independently resolve its own migration issues.

According to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the global pact is necessary to facilitate market access for legal migrants. He believes that simplified legal migration will reduce the number of illegal immigrants. His speech covered support for migrants, providing them with employment as well as their wellbeing at all migratory stages.

However, not everyone is optimistic about the idea, and many refused to sign the pact, including the USA, Australia, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belgium and Bulgaria.

Those opposed to the pact say it will have a reverse effect, and that migrants will receive too much privilege.

People in EU countries are finally starting to realize the seriousness of the problem after years of uncontrolled migration began having real consequences. According to a Pew Research Center survey from 2018, 45% sharply opposed migration, 36% preferred to leave everything as is, and only 14% are not against taking more migrants. In Greece, 82% are against migration, in Hungary – 72%, Italy – 71% and Germany 58% – all these countries were virtually hostages of European “consensus” and Brussels pro-immigration policies.

Some countries outside of Europe were also against the pact such as Israel (73%), Russia (67%), South Africa (65%).

According to the general data, about 258 million people today are the migrants. According to UN numbers, about 68 million people were forced to change the location (about 25 million from them – refugees, 3 million – seekers of refugee status, 40 million – internally displaced persons).

Experts suppose that current migration policy will continue in more or less the same manner, but will be more organized – the West is changing its stance before our eyes. The pact will be brought for ratification at a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on December 19th.