Trump VS Mexico, EU leaders meet in Brussels, Sudan protests

Trump VS Mexico

US President Donald Trump announced the introduction of 5% duties on all products from Mexico on Sunday, threatening to increase the number if the problem of illegal immigrantion continues.

Mexican Deputy Foreign Minister Jesus Sead promised a “vigorous” response to the new duties on Thursday.

On March 29, Trump threatened to close the border with Mexico altogether, if the country did not stop the flow of illegal migration. The same day, the head of the Latin American state, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, said that he did not intend to enter into polemics with a colleague from a neighboring country resorting to threats.

EU leaders meet in Brussels

European leaders gathered in Brussels on Tuesday, May 28,  to discuss candidates for top posts in EU leadership positions following the European parliamentary elections last week.

The power of the current president of the European Commission, Luxembourg’s Jean-Claude Juncker, ends in October. The new composition of the European Parliament, which will begin work in July, will have to approve the candidature of the new president.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel supports her compatriot Manfred Weber, who has led the Conservative European People’s Party in the European Parliament since 2014. French President Emmanuel Macron, in response to a question from journalists, said that he supported a candidate with the “experience” and “credibility” to revive Europe, clearly differing from Merkel’s choice.

Practically all the heads of state and government spoke to journalists, but none have yet officially declared their preferences regarding the applicants.

Guests at the “informal dinner” insisted that all names be named at the EU summit in June.

Sudan protests

The number of victims as a result of riots in the Sudanese capital Khartoum has risen to 12.

The Transitional Military Council which currently heads the country received a statement that armed forces were trying to clear the protest area of “criminal elements.”

The military continues to insist on its commitment to negotiating with the opposition for a peaceful transfer of power.