Unsatisfied with intimidating foreign countries, Trump turns on his own citizens

In a recent interview, US President Donald Trump, calling his supporters “tough guys,” threatened the opposition Democrats saying: “Do not tempt fate, if they take the streets, the consequences can be very, very serious”.

Does Trump’s hostile language surprise us? Of course not, he is by now well known for issuing threats.

During his election campaign, did he not threaten to deport 11 million refugees, register all Muslims in the US, get money from Mexico to build a wall on the border, forbid Muslims from entering the country, initiate a judicial investigation against the Clintons?

The American president has often become an object of criticism as a result of his threats against foreign countries. However, this time, Trump became the center of a discussion about his threats against citizens of his own country.

In an interview with the conservative information portal Breitbart, Trump said: “You see, the left play the role of tough guys, but in fact, it looks very funny. It seems to me that the right is much cooler, but just for now it does not show. I can tell you that I am supported by the police, military, and motorcycle clubs. That is, behind me are cool guys. But they do not show it, and they will not show it until it is required. But when this happens, the consequences can be dire. ”

A number of US media sources have reminded readers of similar statements Trump has made in the past and put a discussion of “threats against the opposition” to the agenda once again.

At a rally in support of Missouri Republican Josh Hawley in September 2018, Trump said: “The opposition is very fortunate that we now have a peace-loving mood. The military, the police, the security forces, the builders and the members of the motorcycle clubs that support me all over the country. They do a wonderful job. Remember, they are cool guys, but now they are peaceful. Left anti-fascists and everyone like them should pray that these guys will continue in this mood. ”

From the very beginning of his election campaign, Trump has regularly made statements containing threats and calls for the use of brute force.

Below are some of his greatest hits as reported in the media:

He stated that he wanted to beat up a man who staged a protest against him at one of the pre-election rallies, saying:“ You know how you dealt with such types in the past. I love those times very much. ” In addition, he criticized the police for not using force on the protester.

– At another rally, he told his supporters that he was ready to personally cover all legal expenses for those who beat any protester during the rally.

– Trump, who believes that mosques in America need to be kept under strict control, said that it is necessary for security agencies to register all Muslims as part of the “fight against terrorism”.

-The American President said in relation to those arrested in the fight against ISIS, it is necessary to use water-boarding, which creates a feeling that the target is drowning, as well as other “harsh interrogation methods”.

– Trump insisted on the expulsion of approximately 11 million illegal migrants from the US, and also spoke in support of an initiative to refuse to grant citizenship for children of immigrants born in the US.

– Trump announced his intention to build a wall on the border with Mexico to prevent the flow of illegal migrants and to force Mexico to pay for the construction of this wall.

– Trump, referencing the fact that when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, she had illegally used her personal mail for official business, said: “If you had done this by working in the private sector, you’d be in jail. “

Trump, who has accused former US President Bill Clinton of rape, said that Hillary Clinton hides her husband’s crimes and that if he is elected, he intends to initiate proceedings against the Clintons.


After a number of suspected attacks were conducted against journalists, the White House Correspondents Association was forced to appeal to the President himself to tell him that violence against media representatives was unacceptable.