Weekly Review (13-19th of August)

Turkey-US economic war: from mutual sanctions to Erdogan’s new political course

The conflict between US and Turkey continues to escalate. After sanctions were imposed against two Turkish ministers and tariffs on steel and aluminum were introduced, the Turkish economy ,shaken by the economic attacks, is seeking the path to stabilization and moderating its relationship with the US.

This week Turkey withdrew from the list of the largest holders of US treasury securities. According to the US Treasury, in June Turkey cut its investments in the national debt of the Americans to 28.8 billion dollars (compared to May figures of 32.6 billion dollars). Today Turkey has initiated a dispute complaint with the World Trade Organisation against additional tariffs imposed by the United States on Turkish steel and aluminum imports.

Turkey faces the necessity of changing its geopolitical vector in response to its new political struggle: either the NATO-block and globalism, or a reorientation toward multipolarity and entrance into the BRICS block.

Kofi Annan, former UN chief, dies at 80

Annan served 2 terms as the UN chief (1997-2006) and was awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 2001 for his humanitarian efforts. After working as UN chief he served as the head of the UN special envoy in Syria.


Escalation in Afghanistan

Afghanistan has again become a hotbed of political instability and violence, and in recent days there have been numerous tragic events. Today, a suicide bomber blew up the Mawood private academy with at least 100 students present. According to media figures, at least 48 are confirmed dead and 67 were injured. The president of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, sharply condemned the terrorist act.

Afghanistan is currently experiencing a general escalation of terrorist attacks by militant organizations. Yesterday, the Taliban led an attack against the Afghan military and dozens were killed.

Since last week, fighting in the Ghazni province has been continuous; the victims of this conflict are in the hundreds (including both soldiers and militants). The United States is interfering in the conflict, as per tradition.