Weekly-Review (3th – 9th of September)

Summit in Iran

The tripartite summit on the situation in Syria took place on Friday September 7th in Iran’s capital city Tehran. Leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran have adopted a joint declaration following the results of the summit. Turkish president Erdogan said that it is necessary to stop the attacks on in Idlib and call a truce as military intervention poses a serious threat for locals.

Leaders also agreed to increase cooperation for final defeat of terrorist organizations like ISIL, Jabhat al-Nusra and other extremist groups. At the same time, they have urged the international community to support process of a de-escalation and stabilization in Syria.

Russia, Turkey and Iran have also stated that they will continue to accept the coordinated efforts for ensuring a decrease of violence in Syria. The leaders of the three countries have emphasized that they are ready to help the UN start work on a constitutional commission of SAR in the near future. An importance of branch of the armed opposition in Syria have agreed to observing a truce and have expressed readiness to continue cooperation for complete elimination of terrorists in Syria.

Mattis visits Afghanistan

The United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis met the president of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, and other senior representatives of the Afghan authorities.

The situation in Afghanistan is very dangerous, and the American influence remains the main destabilizing a factor in the region. Annually the US spends no less than 45 billion dollars for maintenance of their forces, and since February has begun to disengage troops from Iraq and placing them in Afghanistan. Thousands of US military members are placed in Afghanistan at NATO military bases. Military allies of the US support the initiatives of the White House: in July, 2018, the head of the British Cabinet of Ministers Theresa May said that Great Britain will increase their military presence in Afghanistan by 70% (up to 1100 people).

By some calculations, US presence in Afghanistan has cost the Pentagon $680 billion. Americans actively support efforts of ISIL in Afghanistan in order to maintain instability and justify their presence in the country. Mattis visit is a sign of America’s continuing interest in the region.

Elections in Sweden

On September 9th parliamentary and local governments elections  took place in Sweden. The Social Democrats won (with 40,6% of voices), but their results were much lower than in previous years. Sweden Democrats came second (28,4%), Moderates came third (19,8%).

Social democrats (with small breaks) have ruled Sweden for the entire century. They still lead in the polls, but after last year’s terrorist attack, increased crime rate and social problems have led to their approval rating starting to decline.

Against the background of migration crisis  which authorities have failed to handle adequetly, the right-wing party Sweden Democrats rose to the second place. The Sweden Democrats support a total ban on migration to the kingdom and deportation of already accepted migrants. The leader of the party believes Sweden needs tough, responsible immigration policy. The party generally opposes globalization and Islamization, an exit from the EU, social equality and reduction in taxes.