Is there any chance Trump will actually be impeached?

US President Donald Trump described the House Democrats’ last attempt to remove him from office as an erosion of the US’ values and called it a coup attempt… as the Dems gear up to try the same again, the president’s words look even more relevant.

On September 24, the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives began a procedure to impeach Trump… once again. The head of the White House is accused of asking for the help of a foreign state to interfere in the election by trying to discredit a political opponent, namely former Vice-President Joe Biden. Trump denies the accusation.

A chat with Zelenski

The conversation between US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was in the spotlight after the media reported that an intelligence officer had found it alarming and sent a complaint to his higher-ups. On Wednesday, a transcript of the telephone conversation was made public, and on Thursday, the complaint itself.

The published transcript confirmed that Trump asked Zelensky to investigate the circumstances around the dismissal of former Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the activities of the Burisma Group, whose directors included the son of former Vice President Joe Biden. He also asked him to investigate Hunter Biden himself.

Meanwhile, there have been unsubstantiated reports that the US Special Representative to Ukraine, Kurt Volker, mentioned in the complaint, has left his post. In addition, as part of the preliminary investigation, the Democrats summoned US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Kurt Volker and Tramp’s lawyer Giuliani, who, according to the author of the anonymous complaint, played a key role in the incident.

Trump’s response

On Sunday, Trump posted a video on Twitter regarding the Democratic Party’s second attempt to call for his impeachment.

In the video, Trump talks about how the Democrats, still refusing to accept their loss in 2016, are now trying to steal the elections

According to him, the initiative can lead to nothing but division and destruction.

While the impeachment effort is basically doomed to fail, in the interim it is driving down the Stock Market and people’s 401Ks. The Democrats are well aware of this and are hoping to use the situation to create enmity against the president. They are more than willing to hurt the country at large in order to gain a slight advantage in the 2020 elections.

This was the first of the likely numerous clashes that are bound to happen around the latest impeachment investigation. It reflects a growing political and legal siege against Trump who is stubbornly struggling to save his presidency.

Trump faces the prospect of becoming the third president in US history to go before the House of Representatives in an impeachment process, which could lead to a Senate trial.

Advisors from the White House promised to present Trump with options for devising a strategy in connection with the start of the impeachment procedure, NBC TV reported citing insider sources.

According to them, the president will be offered a “rapid response plan” possibly involving acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and White House counsel Pat Cipollone, the advisors who worked on the impeachment of former US President Bill Clinton.

According to the same sources, the White House believes that a carefully planned legal and political response will be able to mitigate the threat of impeachment.

Is impeachment even possible?

According to an Ipsos poll from the end of September, 45% of adult Americans believe that Trump should be impeached.

However, conservative news portal Breitbart’s poll tells another story.

These polls reflect little more than the opinion of the audience that is being interviewed– the real numbers are likely impossible to know for sure.

Given that the investigation has already begun with irregularities, it is likely these numbers will continue to fluctuate regardless.

“House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) did not notify Republicans on the committee of an intelligence official who came to one of his aides with concerns about President Trump before filing an official whistleblower complaint, according to the top Republican on the committee.”

Curiously enough, Schiff, who accuses Trump of “collusion with Moscow”, was officially funded by Soros through websites like

When they tried to help Hillary Clinton with her campaign provocations against Trump, the story went unnoticed.

“A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia.”

Previously, UWI covered the strengths and weaknesses of Trump on the eve of the 2020 presidential election. The Democrats unsuccessful impeachment efforts could prove a boon to the president’s re-election campaign, especially considering how much the issue has highlighted the corruption of former Vice President Joe Biden (the Democrats leading candidate).

The 2020 elections are just around the corner, and soon enough this procedure will fall by the wayside in favor of more important events. A similar lawsuit was launched against National Front leader Marine Le Pen in 2017 and ultimately came to nothing. Such attempts to strong-arm anti-globalist candidates out of office are ultimately a sign of desperation on the part of the parties and forces ready to try to maintain their positions of power at all costs.