Can Iran and Türkiye unite to confront the US?

The Iranian political scientist says that shouldn't be a question anymore, and proposes Ankara should close down US military bases on its territory.

West Asia continues to be subjected to Israeli aggression. ​​Among the countries in the region, Iran is responding the most severely to the aggression. Alongside Iran, Türkiye is another country that has taken a clear stand against Israel, as exemplified by its support for Hamas.

This frequently poses the question whether the two countries can somehow confront Israeli aggression and the US behind it together, an issue often discussed by politicians, journalists and analysts.

In that context, we interviewed Abolfazi Ajalli, journalist and political scientist from Iran.

Is Israel an enemy of Türkiye?

The genocide committed by the Israeli regime against Palestine over the past year, the assassination of Hezbollah’s leadership in Lebanon, the assassination of Iranian commanders and military advisers in Syria, the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh and the martyrdom of General Nilforushan in recent events were the last straw. And Iran had to respond to that. Although it was not initially planned to go for escalation, eventually it came to that and Tehran had to respond.

Türkiye and Iran are brotherly and neighboring countries, and their behavior and problems directly or indirectly affect each other. The Israeli regime is not only an enemy of Iran, Palestine, Lebanon or Syria. It is also an enemy of humanity and Türkiye. This is precisely what Mr. Erdoğan has pointed out. Türkiye with Iran forms the two main wings of Islamic civilization.

Kurecik and Incirlik Bases

What are the expectations in Tehran from Türkiye?

They expect Türkiye, as an Islamic qibla, that is, both in terms of religion and as an important modern Muslim country, to take its proper stance towards Israel. Iran expects to confront a common enemy together and receive political and verbal support from Türkiye. For example, the closure of the Kurecik radar base. As is known, according to Turkish media, this military facility was active during the October 1 operation and was responsible for early warning. Moreover, as a NATO base, it provides support to Israel.

Mr. Erdoğan rightly argues that the Israeli regime is also an enemy of Türkiye. In this context, the fact that bases such as Kurecik and Incirlik are operating in Türkiye jeopardizes Türkiye’s existence. These bases are part of a conspiracy, a game against Türkiye. Türkiye should not fall into this trap with its own hands. In fact, Iran does not only want this for its interests. For the sake of its future and interests, Türkiye should close the American bases, especially Kurecik, which also support the Israeli regime.

Can Iran and Türkiye unite to confront the US? Who would join their bloc in such a case?

I think we need to talk about this issue differently, in the context of the need to unite Iran and Türkiye against the US and how this alliance can be achieved as soon as possible. If we are still having a discussion about whether to unite or not, then we don’t understand the danger we are facing.

Now is not the time for competition or confrontation, but for cooperation. Because the region is facing a real and deadly threat, and even a moment of indifference and complacency in the face of this threat can lead to the destruction of the existence of all the peoples of the region and their historical identities and civilizations.

“Zionism is rooted in imperialism”

As for the second part of your question; even despite the wars in West Asia and Iran’s response to the Israeli regime on October 1, which was instigated by Netanyahu, the strategic aspect of this attack in world politics cannot be ignored.

Since the 1979 revolution, Iran has become a country that sees itself in the anti-imperialist axis of the world. Iran’s hostility to Israel stems from the fact that Zionism is rooted in imperialism.

Against dollar hegemony and NATO

In order to reduce the power of the US-led international organizations, it is necessary to try to increase trade in local currencies and increase military cooperation to reduce the dollar’s dominance over the world economy.

We need an anti-imperialist front aimed at reducing NATO’s threats to other countries. We are now seeing signs of the emergence of a non-Western strategic axis. Iran’s successive operation on October 1 and the demonstration of its superior military capabilities is a major shift in the military-political balance of power.

From now on, Russia, China and other anti-imperialist countries and movements will look more seriously at Iran when assessing its strategic weight. This will strengthen the Islamic Republic on the world stage and the Asian axis against the imperialist world.