Algerian military commander Gaid Salah died of a heart attack on December 23, after a record 15 years as Chief of Defence Staff and almost a year as the unofficial leader of the country in the wake of the resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. He has been replaced by the new head of the army, Said Chengriha. Experts estimate that ...

Afghanistan Ghani Afghanistan’s incumbent President Ashraf Ghani is leading the race to retake the country’s leadership according to preliminary election results, according to the Afghan National Election Commission. According to an election commission spokesman during a press conference broadcast on the commission’s Facebook, Ghani won with 50.64% of the vote, according to preliminary results. In Second place with 39.52% of ...

There are numerous international organizations today that aim to integrate, facilita trade and generally bring together countries throughout the Ibero-American region. The most promising among them for a long time was the Organization of American States (the OAS). However, this organization has proven unable to resolve some of the critical conflicts in the region and has repeatedly shown a preference ...

In recent years, Saudi Arabia has had a comprehensive plan to reduce the share of oil in its economy, and it is seeking to increase the share of renewable energy in electricity generation.  Saudi Arabia currently consumes about a quarter of its oil production, which is expected to remain almost stable, while demand for energy is likely to triple by ...

There have been several important news stories recently about the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, including Washington’s attempts to thwart the rise of China’s Huawei. However, this fight has gone beyond the two giants, and has now reached the shores of the European Union. First of all, it is necessary to highlight a common misconception that ...

Negotiations between the leaders of Turkey and Russia on Libya may open up new prospects for Ankara. While the military situation does not favor Turkey’s allies, things are looking much better on the diplomatic front. On December 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a telephone conversation in which they expressed concern about the clashes in the area of ​​the ...

Turkey – Libya On December 12, Marshal Khalifa Haftar, an Egyptian and Emarati-backed marshal and the head of the East Libyan authority, announced the beginning of a decisive battle and his plans to advancement against Tripoli. Libyan media have reported fighting between Haftar and TNC forces on several fronts as Haftar’s forces approach the Libyan capital. Libya currently has two ...

Stockholm Barış Araştırmaları Enstitüsü (SIPRI) küresel askeri harcamaları açıkladı.   Rapora göre dünyada söz sahibi ülkelerin silahlara yatırdığı para miktarı son bir yılda 1 trilyon 800 milyar dolar. Silahlanma için kişi başına 239 dolar harcandığı tespit edilmiş. Öte yandan, Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) “Küresel İnsani Yardım” raporunu açıklıdı. Silahlı çatışmalar ve iklim değişikliği nedeniyle dünyada 45 milyon insanın açlık sınırı altında olduğunu, ...

Protests in France against reforms to the pension system have not subsided. Both trade union representatives and ordinary citizens are taking to the streets in droves. More than 800,000 people participated in demonstrations against pension reform in more than 100 cities in France. The outrage was prompted by the French parliament’s scandalous and unpopular decision to raise the retirement age ...

From Conspiracy Theory To Reality It’s almost as if one of Alex Jones’ rants about satanic child molesting cults within ruling class social circles has become our reality. Shock was the first emotion for many after hearing the news that finance capitalist Jeffrey Epstein’s covert child sex trafficking operation, although having evaded detection from the authorities for so many years, ...