Ünal Çeviköz, the deputy opposition leader of the main opposition party in Turkey, the Republican People’s Party (RPP, Turk. CHP), commented on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s recent trip to Russia, saying: “We are concerned that if Turkey, a member of NATO, continues to purchase weapons that are not can be integrated into the Alliance system, this will lead to very ...

Elections in Germany Angela Merkel’s the Christian Democratic Union came out victorious in the elections which took place in Brandenburg and Saxony. However, the party was followed closely by the far-right party “Alternative for Germany” (AfD). According to preliminary data, in Saxony, the right-wing formation received 27.5% of the vote, while the CDU received 32.1%. In Brandenburg, the Social Democrats ...

Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 systems (in spite of US sanctions and threats), along with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent visit to Russia and joint inspection of the latest Su-35 and Su-57 fighters with Russian President Vladimir Putin, are both clear indications of the ongoing split in the American-European axis. The US quickly responded to the Turkish and ...

Europe G7: the split intensifies The G7 summit was held in France between August 24 and 26. The leaders of the US, France, Germany, UK, Canada, Japan and Italy discussed internal contradictions between the world’s leading economies, particularly between Washington and the rest of the member nations, and compromises were reached on some issues. The United States and France signed ...

Türkiye, Rusya’dan ABD’nin tüm tehdit ve yaptırımlarına rağmen, S-400’leri teslim alması, son olarak CumhurbaşkanıRecep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın Rusya ziyareti ve Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin ile birlikte SU-35 ve SU-57 yeni nesil savaş uçaklarını incelemesi, ABD ve Avrupa cephesinde yaşanan sarsıntıların iyice su yüzüne çıkmasına neden oldu. ABD’n yaptırım tehditlerine rağmen Türkiye’nin Rusya’dan S-400 hava savunma füzelerini teslim alması, ardından Rusya’da bir ...

Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın Rusya ziyareti ile ilgili bir açıklama yapan CHP Dış Politikalardan Sorumlu Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Ünal Çeviköz,”NATO üyesi olan Türkiye’nin NATO yükümlüleriyle uyumlu olmayan birtakım silah tercihleri yapmaya devam ederse, bunun Türkiye’nin güvenliği açısından fevkalade ciddi ve çok olumsuzlukları olacağından endişe duyuyoruz” dedi. Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Ünal Çeviköz, basın toplantısı düzenledi. Çeviköz, Rusya’da yapılan ...

The establishment of safe zones in war-torn countries is supposed to entail a reduction in violence. However, in the present situation in Syria, US involvement in the establishment of a safe zone will lead to the direct military entrenchment of Washington, Turkey, Russia, and Syria, and will only cause the situation to deteriorate further. WHY A SAFE ZONE? Turkey has ...

Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Moskova ziyaretinin ardından dönüş yolunda gazetecilere önemli açıklamalarda bulundu. Erdoğan’ın, F-35 kriziyle ilgili “Su-35 ve Su-57 uçakları da alternatifler arasında mı” sorusuna “Niye olmasın? Boşuna gelmedik buraya” diye yanıt verdi. Uçak bulunan gazetecilerin sorularını yanıtlayan ve Türk Basınında geniş yer bulan Erdoğan’ın açıklamaları şöyle: RUSYA’YA BOŞUNA MI GİTTİK Su-35 ve Su-57 uçaklarını da incelediniz. F-35’lerin verilmemesi hâlinde Türkiye bu uçakları ...

The U.S. and Iran are locked in a tough confrontation for forty years. They do not have direct diplomatic relations and are engaged in a major ideological war, playing an important role on the geopolitical map of the world at the same time. Nonetheless, although Tehran and Washington have turned into two hostile camps over years of the stand-off, they ...

A BRIEF INTRODUCTORY HISTORY Yemen is located in what has historically been considered the finest part of the Arab Peninsula, which has prompted numerous attempts to take control of the area. Before oil was found elsewhere on the Peninsula, Yemen was also seen as having the largest concentration of natural wealth. At that time, Saudi Arabia had little more than ...