Erbil attack In Erbil, Iraq, two terrorists carried out an armed attack killing several diplomats including an employee of the Turkish consulate general. Police arrested 27-year-old Mazlum Dağ in connection with the incident. The search for others involved in organizing the attack is ongoing, police said. Two Iraqi citizens were also killed in the July 27 incident, when gunmen opened ...

China’s relationship to its ethnic minority Uyghur population has been the central issue driving a wedge between China and the Muslim world in recent years. However, the situation is already beginning to change before our eyes – Pakistan, Turkey and many nations throughout the Middle East have suddenly stopped calling the Uyghur education centers in Xinjiang “concentration camps,” while Turkish ...

Argentina has officially declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization. The declaration created a considerable amount of controversy given the strong feelings on the issue in various countries. Background Argentina has received more immigrants than any other Latin American nation. While they are mostly of European origin, many have also come from Syria and Lebanon. There are now around 1.5 million Lebanese ...

On May 8, 2018, U.S. President Donald J. Trump announced his decision to end the US’ participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and begin reinstating nuclear-related sanctions against Iran. These extreme measures including the so-called “maximum pressure” policy and attempting to bring Iranian oil exports to “zero” have inflicted excruciating pain on the Islamic Republic. Tehran faces ...

In Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, an open terrorist attack against several diplomats was carried out. Three diplomats were killed as a result, including Osman Kose, an employee of the Turkish Consulate General. One of the two attackers was later identified as Mazlum Dag, a 27 year-old from Diyarbakir, Turkey. According to Sky News – Arabia, two gunmen opened ...

Faruk Bildirici, one of the distinguished representatives of Turkish journalism, with whom I worked for 27 years at Hürriyet news, has consistently represented the interests of his readers over the past few years. After he was fired several months ago, Bildirici created his own website to continue his work. Last week Bildirici published a curious article entitled “Is Turkey an ...

Let’s delve into the heart of the matter: the blacklisting the IRGC, sanctioning the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, sanctioning Dr. Zariff, the Iranian Foreign Minster, sanctioning General Suleimani, the Commander of the Quds Force wing of the IRGC, et al. Naturally, it was not a surprise to any of us Middle East senior analysts that Iran’s IRGC would eventually ...

Son yıllarda Türkiye, başta ABD olmak üzere Batılı ülkelerinin “şamar oğlanı” durumuna düşürülmek isteniyor. Türkiye durumun farkında. Geçmişte bazı siyasetçilerin düştüğü “boyun eğme” dönemleri geride kaldı artık. Türkiye özellikle ABD ve Batılı ülkelerin bu baskıcı tavırları karşısında geri adım atmıyor. Kısacası “şamar oğlanı” olmadığını, üstüne basa basa göstermek istiyor. Örneğin son aylarda gündemden düşmeyen en sıcak konulardan, Suriye, Kuzey Irak, ...

With a first ever visit by a Japanese prime minister to Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, many Iranian commentators were quick to declare that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe the best hope for successful mediation between the US and Iran, since Tokyo has warm relations with both sides. Some have argued that pacifist Japan has the capacity and motivation to ...

S-400 On July 14, the seventh aircraft carrying Russian S-400 air defense system components arrived in Turkey at the Myrted airbase. Turkey has now become the first NATO country to purchase the S-400.  The purchase caused months of disagreements with the United States, who argued that the F-35 fighter jets Turkey had purchased were incompatible with the non-NATO defense systems. The ...