Civil war in the US, Libyan conflict, new Iranian parliament, COVID-19 in Turkey, new sanctions against Syria

On the eve of the civil war: the murder of George Floyd and its consequences

Protests after the death of US citizen George Floyd in Minneapolis on Friday escalated into riots in several major US cities. Clashes with police, detentions and vandalism have occurred in New York City, Atlanta (Georgia), Albuquerque (New Mexico), Fountain, San Jose (California) and Houston (Texas).

George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis lead to widespread unrest after the video of his killing spread. The footage shows several policemen holding Floyd down and handcuffing him, one officer placing his knee over his neck. The detainee first says several times that he can’t breathe and then passes out. Floyd was hospitalized and died later in the hospital.

Responding to the public outcry, the city police authorities announced the dismissal of four officers who had participated in the arrest, one of them was subsequently taken into custody and will potentially be charged with murder or manslaughter. The FBI has joined the investigation into Floyd’s death and has prioritized the case.

The protests eventually grew so out of control a state of emergency was declared in several cities, protesters storming and vandalizing several police stations. The government is now discussing mobilizing the national guard to quell the demonstrations.

President Donald Trump has employed hardline rhetoric, including threats that “the shooting would start” if the riots didn’t come to end. His attitude has only exacerbated the crowds, particularly after photos emerged that seemed to show the officer suspected of killing Floyd at Trump rally.

Violence in Minneapolis and other US cities are a clear demonstration that the US is a divided country. American society is built on structural racism, and many feel that yet another extra-judicial murder of a black American is just the latest sign that the system is not changing fast enough.

Libya: US is going to widen the presence in Northern Africa

The US may send additional troops to Tunisia because of Russia’s actions in North Africa, noted Stephen Townsend, head of the United States Africa Command.

According to the general, Washington is concerned about security in this region because of “Russia’s inflating the flames of the Libyan conflict. The US is looking at possible answers, including the use of the brigade, Townsend added.

The Kremlin and the Russian Defense Ministry did not comment on this information, but the State Duma and Federation Council said the information is false. A representative of the Libyan National Army called the US Army’s report strange and promised that in the near future the LNA would make a special statement on the subject.

On May 26, the US Africa Command officially accused Russia of airlifting its aircraft to Libya. The US military indicated that several MiG-29s and Su-24s had been relocated to the country and published several photos. The Pentagon claims that the aircraft will be used by Russian mercenaries to support the Libyan National Army (LNA), Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar.

New Iranian parliament

The Parliament of Iran of the eleventh convocation, which was elected in February, began its work this week.

Elections to the Majlis of Iran were held on February 21 against the background of the start of the coronavirus epidemic in the country, as a result of which 11 districts still have not passed the second round: two elected deputies died from the disease without entering into office.

The Speaker of the Parliament has not yet been elected, but voting is scheduled for next week. The Speaker of the Parliament will be elected for a year.

The current Parliament is dominated by conservatives – supporters of a hard line in relations with the West and above all with the United States. Moderate reformists, whose leader is considered to be the incumbent president and head of government (in Iran, the posts of president and prime minister are combined) Hassan Rouhani, have weakened compared to the previous elections of 2016.

COVID-19 in Turkey

The process of ending the lockdown in Turkey will start on June 1st.

The outbreak of the Covid-19 in Turkey was one of the worst in the world, worse than it was in China and the UK, although the number of deaths was low – the official death toll was nonetheless nearly 4,300 (on May 29 – 4,397). Istanbul was the heart of the epidemic.

On June 1, the Turkish government will lift the restrictions on intercity travel. The shops, cafes, restaurants, parks will be reopened.

“From June 1 onward Turkey will lift travel restrictions between provinces, civil servants will return to their normal job routine, Erdoğan said, while people will be permitted to attend open-air concerts. Bars and hookah bars will remain shut.

Restaurants, cafes, beaches, parks, gardens, driving courses, museums, sports facilities, daycare centers and kindergartens will also reopen on the same date, Erdogan added.

The EU council renews sanctions against Syria

The Council of the European Union has renewed sanctions against the Syrian government for a year, according to a statement issued on Thursday, May 28. The document states that the restrictive measures against the “Syrian regime” will remain in force until June 1, 2021.

The EU Council added that the sanctions list currently includes 273 individuals and 70 entities subject to the asset freeze. The embargo imposed by Brussels restricts investment as well as blocks exports to Syria of equipment and technology that can be used to put pressure on civilians.

Earlier, on May 19, Syrian Health Minister Nizar Wahbeh al-Yaziji, speaking at the 73rd World Health Assembly, said that the fight against the coronavirus in the country “is being hampered by the cruel and unjust sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union against Damascus”.