Kazakhstan elections, Moldavia turmoil, G20 and protests in Sudan

Kazakhstan elections

The successor of the first president of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, won the early presidential election with 70.96% of the vote. His lead over the rest of his rivals was big enough to secure the victory but smaller than what Nursultan Nazarbayev had gotten himself. Opposition candidate, journalist and former deputy minister Amirjan Qosanov pulled in 16.23% of the vote.

The opposition candidate came in second with an impressive result that would have been unthinkable for the opposition during the days of Nazarbayev’s leadership.


In early June, the internal political situation again worsened in Moldova.

The Pro-Russian Socialist Party and the pro-European bloc ACUM formed a parliamentary majority on Saturday, and after three months of waiting, the country formed a new government led by Sandu. However, the Constitutional Court then declared the decision illegal.

The next day, the Constitutional Court appointed the Vice-President of the Democratic Party, Pavel Philip, as interim president to sign a decree dissolving parliament and setting an early election date on September 6.

In response, the parliament declared the move an attempt by the Democratic Party to usurp power through the courts.

G20 summit

The G20 countries agreed on standards for dealing with questions of artificial intelligence.

Developers and users of AI technologies must respect human rights and democratic values, and the systems themselves must be reliable. These principles were officially enshrined by the G20 ministers.

Other important results of the meeting can be read about here.

Sudan deaths

At least 100 people were killed during a crackdown on a tent camp in the Sudanese capital Khartoum.

The BBC wrote that dozens of bodies were found in the Nile River, which flows near Khartoum.

The military council of Sudan promised to conduct an investigation into the incident.

On Monday morning, Special Forces forces were brought into the center of Khartoum. They were tasked with dispersing the protesters outside the Ministry of Defense and the headquarters of the Sudanese army.

Meanwhile, the Sudanese military denies reports that they used force against protesters.