Messages to the US on the anniversary of July 15, 2016 coup attempt; Steps towards Türkiye-Syria normalization; 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation

Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.

Türkiye experienced a busy agenda last week.

On the anniversary of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt, there arose strong voices from leading political figures against the US for its continued support of FETÖ.

Another significant topic is the normalization signals between Türkiye and Syria.

Last week was also the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation.

Messages to the US on the anniversary of July 15, 2016 coup attempt

The anniversary of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt was commemorated with ceremonies all over Türkiye. and political figures made statements on the issue.

The common theme in the statements of the leading political figures was the US’s support for the Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization (FETÖ).

Speaking at an event organized by a newspaper about the coup attempt, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made the following statements in his address to the nation:

“109 years ago, at Çanakkale, we achieved a victory that surprised everyone when the great powers of that time attacked with all their might. On July 15, we thwarted a 40-year plan of a treacherous gang backed by those same great powers in one night and we gave a new victory to our history and future generations that they will proudly carry as a medal of honor.”

Erdoğan continued: “We showed once again that Türkiye cannot be subdued by the lackeys of imperialists, that the will of the Turkish nation cannot be chained (…) I want to reiterate one truth: we will continue to embrace the spirit of July 15 despite those who still smear the nation’s epic against the coup attempt, those who try to make people forget the July 15 resistance with flimsy excuses, and those who cannot forget the deep disappointment they felt that night.”

The Chief Advisor to the President, Mehmet Uçum, wrote in an article about July 15:
“Eight years ago, on July 15-16, the people of Türkiye carried out the 21st century’s National Democratic People’s Revolution. The Turkish nation had set an example for nations struggling for independence against classical imperialism with its War of Independence in the 20th century. This time, in the 21st century, it became a guide for national states fighting for existence and independence against global imperialism. The practices in Venezuela and Bolivia are proof of this.

Under the leadership of President Erdoğan, Türkiye has undergone a revolutionary transformation over the past eight years and has achieved a very strong position in line with the founding philosophy of our Republic and Atatürk’s goal of full independence. However, the attacks of global imperialism on our country do not cease and the traps they set with local collaborators continue.”

Uçum’s article continues:

“President Erdoğan declared at the NATO summit: We will never allow the establishment of a terrorist state/satellite state in the Middle East. We will veto any agreement and cooperation NATO makes with Israel. There is no concession in our national foreign policy, on the contrary it is becoming even stronger. As a result, all the ‘pro-Westerns’ whether liberal, conservative or secular together with the imperialist centers they have been cooperating with have been disappointed once again. It seems their disappointment will continue forever.

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader and coalition partner Devlet Bahçeli also spoke on the anniversary of July 15. Bahçeli said:

“FETÖ, which has been systematically infiltrating every field, establishing a parallel organization to the Turkish state in political, social, economic, diplomatic, academic, military, security, bureaucratic and media areas was not the first nor will it be the last tool of crusader’s ambitions. As long as the Turkish nation exists, the inevitable confrontation with the oppressors will undoubtedly continue.”

Former Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu made the following statements about the US role in the coup during a TV program on July 15:

“Before July 15, the American Ambassador persistently asked for an appointment with me. I didn’t want to give it. But when he said he wanted to ask a few things about working life, I said ‘let him come’. Later, thinking about the timing of the American Ambassador’s visit together with the events afterwards, I thought they might have known something. Because the topic was not important enough for him to visit me. I still remember his searching look.”

Soylu continued: “Later, a Deputy Chairman of our party told me that after I said ‘The US is behind this coup’ the then Vice President Biden, today’s US President, connected to an AK Party Central Decision and Executive Board meeting and said, ‘Your Labor Minister says the US is responsible for the coup’. Binali Yıldırım, the then Prime Minister, skillfully deflected or gave the necessary response to Biden. From that day on, our adventure with America began. It continued with many issues like I was declared a persona non grata by the US a few times.”

The leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), Özgür Özel, also shared a message on the anniversary of July 15. Özel’s message was as follows:

“On the 8th anniversary of the July 15 coup attempt, I commemorate our martyrs with mercy and our veterans with gratitude. It should not be forgotten that there are lessons to be learned from that process to prevent a similar vulnerability and betrayal. As the Republican People’s Party, I proudly express our commitment and belief in democracy and popular sovereignty once again.”

Vatan Party leader Doğu Perinçek also made statements about July 15 in a TV program. Perinçek said:

“July 15 is the latest and failed pro-American coup in Türkiye’s history. From July 24, 2015, Türkiye started the crackdown operation on the PKK. This was not something the US would accept. Using arms against the PKK directly means using arms against US forces. The US responded with a coup attempt and tried to seize control in Türkiye through FETÖ. This coup was suppressed by the Turkish Armed Forces. This point is crucial. The AK Party circles keep insisting that it was only a people movement that suppressed the coup. This is a grave mistake. This is not only a misjudgment of history but also a major misjudgment for Türkiye’s future. In the trials, many stated that ‘After Doğu Perinçek’s statements, we understood the character of the coup and realized that it was not a coup by the Turkish Armed Forces, and we took action against it.’ July 15-16 is full of deep lessons. Without the Vatan Party, the Turkish Armed Forces and the Turkish people, the coup could not have been suppressed.”

Steps towards Türkiye-Syria normalization

Winds of normalization are blowing between Türkiye and Syria. President Erdoğan reiterated his request for a meeting with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad in a statement to journalists. Erdoğan said:

“I have assigned Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan for this task. Our Foreign Minister will determine the entire roadmap with his counterparts. Then we will take steps, Inshallah. We believe that a just peace in Syria is possible. We constantly state that Syria’s territorial integrity is also in our interest. We say that building a just peace in Syria will benefit us the most. The most crucial step in this process is starting a new era with Syria. So far, this process has developed positively. I hope we will take concrete steps soon.

The US and Iran should also be pleased with these positive developments and support the process. No one should be disturbed by emerging Syria as one and whole. Terrorist organizations will do everything they can to poison this process. They will organize provocations and plots. We are aware of all this and prepared. We want peace in Syria and call on everyone who stands for peace to support this historic call.”

Bashar al-Assad also made a statement about Erdoğan’s invitation. Assad said:

“We view positively any initiative that will develop relations with Türkiye, but this does not mean we will step out of rules. The talks with Türkiye have not stopped. There is also a meeting organized by some mediators at the security level and we are positive about it.”

President Assad added: “Syria insists on the necessity of talks with the Turks at any level. I do not mean specifically a meeting between the two presidents.

50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation

The 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, which Türkiye organized to save Turks in Cyprus, was celebrated across the country.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary, a memorandum was published with the signature of Speaker of Parliament Numan Kurtulmuş. The memorandum states:

“July 20 is the day of liberation for the Turkish Cypriot people who faced years of suffering and hardship with courage and patience. It symbolizes the protection of their sovereign rights and equal status on the island. The dark period that began in 1963 with the usurpation by the Greek Cypriots, continued with exile and massacres and ended with this Cyprus Peace Operation. With this operation, the existence and security of the Turkish Cypriots were guaranteed, and the atmosphere of peace and security was established on the island.”

Also, the memorandum emphasized that the lasting legacy and indisputable success of the Peace Operation is evidenced by the fact that “no blood has been shed on the island for the past half-century”.

The memorandum adds:

“We respectfully and gratefully honor Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, Deputy Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, Chief of General Staff Semih Sancar, who successfully carried out the operation despite difficulties and achieved victory, and the pioneers of the independence struggle, Dr. Fazıl Küçük and Rauf Denktaş. We remember with gratitude our soldiers, the unnamed heroes of the operation, and our martyrs and veterans. Over the past 50 years, Turkish Cypriots crowned their sovereignty struggle by declaring the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in 1983 under the leadership of the late Founding President Rauf Denktaş.”