Munich conference, Pompeo`s trip, Idlib, Australian base

Munich conference`s results and negotiations on world security

The Munich Security Conference took place this week in Germany. The Munich Security Conference began in 1963, and has become an international platform that brings together political leaders from all over the world every year.

More than 800 participants met and discussed the most important events in world politics.

Many conference participants expressed the opinion that the model of Western law and order is in decline in adherence to the conference’s central theme of “Westlessness.”

One of the central topics from the American side was the ostensible “Chinese threat.” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated his view that the real threat to Europe is the People’s Republic of China. He also called the company Huawei the country’s “Trojan horse.” China, in turn, expressed its vision of a world order on win-win rather than zero sum principles.

The topic of world security was picked up by French President Emmanuelle Macron, who claimed that France was now at the center of the European nuclear umbrella and general defense sovereignty. This represented the possibility of a partial shift away from US influence, taking advantage of a convenient geopolitical moment including Brexit and the weakening of German influence.

Pompeo`s Tour

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went on tour immediately after the Munich Conference, visiting three countries in Africa and the Gulf States.

He first visited Senegal, where he discussed the role of the United States in solving security problems in Africa, and recalled that the Ministry of Defense is studying the situation in West Africa to make sure that Washington maintains a proper level of forces in the region.

He then visited Angola, where he met with the President of Angola, João Lawrence, in Luanda to discuss strengthening economic ties between the two countries and helping Angolans “fight corruption.”

In Ethiopia, Pompeo promised that the United States would support the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM).

Thus, Pompeo hinted that the US is not going its long-term efforts to secure African resources, and will continue to try for the support of African leaders.

Then the Secretary of State went to Saudi Arabia, where he visited a military air base. According to the head of American diplomacy, his trip to the military base confirms the determination of the United States to support Saudi Arabia in the face of “Iranian aggression.”

The United States began to build up its military presence at the Prince Sultan Air Base south of Riyadh last year following a series of incidents in the Gulf region that Washington and Riyadh immediately accused Tehran of having organized.

By the way, during Pompeo’s visit, the Saudis clashed with Yemen.

Pompeo then visited Oman, where he discussed security issues and also spoke out against Iran. The visit may have involved checking the leadership and probing the soil after the death of Omani leader Qaboos bin Said, an influential man in the country and region.


The last few weeks in Idlib have been turbulent. This week, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, declared that after his telephone conversations with leaders of Russia, Germany and France, Ankara had defined an action plan on Syrian Idlib.

According to him, Turkey’s actions in Syria are not an adventure, but a demand of the country’s national interests. If Turkey today refuses to fight for its interests in Syria, Libya and the eastern Mediterranean, it will soon face consequences.

As we wrote earlier, the main principle of the Astana process was to ensure the territorial integrity of Syria. It is vital for Turkey to maintain good relations with the Syrian leadership, as well as with Iran and Russia– the guarantor countries of peace in the region. The conflicts between Turkey, Russia and Syria are not due to fundamental clashes of interests, merely subjective motivations.

The American Big Middle East project has failed– but the Americans still hope to rehabilitate it through provocations in Idlib and Turkey’s artificial clash with Syria and Russia.

Australian base

The US is expanding its influence in Australia. Australia plans to spend AU$1.1 billion ($725.9 million) to upgrade an air base in the tropical north of the country, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Friday.

The base in the Northern Australian regional city of Katherine will be the platform for a new F-35 fighter fleet when the upgrade is completed in 2027. The platform will also be used by general US forces (1,250 of which are based in Northern Australia).

“It will be integral to our alliance with the United States, and [will] increase the reach of Air Force capabilities in the Indo-Pacific,” Morrison said.

Australia has historically had almost uncontrolled influence in the Pacific region, but given the rise of Chinese influence that increased investment, Americans have felt strong competition and decided to step up their game.