By analyzing China’s experience in poverty reduction, we can find solutions to the same questions in our own country as well as those affecting humanity at large. This article looks at China from the viewpoint of Turkey and our efforts to achieve success in our ‘Second War of Independence’. Since cooperation between Turkey and China is to the benefit of ...

The current tension between the United States of America (USA) and China has peaked due to the coronavirus outbreak. Continuing its efforts to turn the epidemic into an anti-Chinese political campaign, the White House administration is also looking for ways to develop a comprehensive approach to Beijing. The White House administration announced its next steps to the public with the ...

After a long period of silence during the Coronavirus epidemic, protests erupted again in Hong Kong. Last weekend, Hongkongers protested against what they called Beijing’s “dictatorship” – this time, a mainland Chinese security law initiative was the subject of their discontent. China has formally approved a plan to impose national security laws on Hong Kong. Why did the project cause such ...

Iranian tankers reach Venezuela in defiance of sanctions The administration of US President Donald Trump said that Washington is considering measures against Iran, which supplies gasoline and other petroleum products to Venezuela. Reuters, citing an anonymous official, wrote that Washington has a high degree of confidence that the Venezuelan government is paying Iran “tons of gold”. The Iranian side reacted ...

Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, confrontation between China and the US has grown increasingly intense. In this regard, Washington’s wild accusations blaming China for the outbreak will definitely continue, as the US tries to facilitate the withdrawal of production from China to other countries, such as India. Western media outlets claim there is serious danger of Chinese “aggression” ...

The Israeli Foreign Ministry confirmed that the Chinese Ambassador to Israel Du Wei was found dead on the morning of May 17 at his home in Tel Aviv. The forensic team that examined the cause of death found that he died in a dream from sudden cardiac arrest on the night of Sunday. However, sending the body to Beijing has ...

Military aggravation On May 5 in the disputed area near Pangong Tso in the Ladakh region of India, there were clashes between Chinese and Indian troops. The Hindustan Times reports that the clash that occurred last Saturday involved hundreds of troops on both sides. The Indian air force has intensified sorties in the region. Two Indian Su-30MKI were spotted on ...

Marx and Engels’ renowned Communist Party Manifesto (Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) begins with some very impressive sentences: ‘A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.” This statement was made 172 years ...

By Yang Chen If someone had predicted that face masks and ventilators would become critically strategic supplies, and even an item in an arms race just  last year, it would have seemed ridiculous. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made this a reality. However, at the same time, the hysteria around the face masks raises a few questions: Can wearing a ...

By Orçun Göktürk We have come to the end of the neoliberal historical period that started with Thatcher and Reagan. The helplessness of the West in responding to the pandemic reminds us of Mao Zedong’s famous declaration that American imperialism is a ‘paper tiger’. More recently, in 2002, the German Minister of Justice asserted that she was planning to divert ...