The battle against the new strain of coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) has reached its most intense and complicated period. The Chinese government says that in places outside of Hubei, Chinese people are finally starting to return to work. While their return is critical for the economy, it also presents new challenges for preventing the spread of the deadly new virus. President ...

In late December, Chinese authorities reported an outbreak of a type of pneumonia of unknown origin in the city of Wuhan. The causative agent of the disease was a new variation of the coronavirus. On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization named the disease COVID-19. The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) then described the virus as “severe ...

An emergency meeting of European powers took place in Munich, Germany, on September 29–30, 1938, and an agreement was quickly reached– on Hitler’s terms. Mechanisms of dialogue have often opened the door to radically new formations in Europe, for better or worse. Four decades later, the Cuban Missile Crisis, also known as the October Crisis of 1962, triggered the Cold ...

The Idlib crisis continues The Presidents of Turkey and the US – Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Donald Trump – discussed the problems of Libya and Syria during a telephone conversation this week. In the course of the conversation, they noted the need for stability in Libya and an end to escalation in Idlib. In addition, the leaders agreed to resume ...

The Plague of Wuhan Lurking upon the unrefrigerated mystery meats of Wuhan city’s Huanan open air market, the Coronavirus struck its first human prey on the eve of a new decade. After jumping to humans, the virus spread with the ferocity of a wildfire across China and eventually made its way to a number of other countries – mostly in ...

Europe Brexit: the new dawn On January 31, 2019, Great Britain officially left the EU. Earlier, the relevant law was passed by parliament and signed by Queen Elizabeth. A transitional period will last throughout the year, after which London will finally break its last ties with the European Union. London will reestablish its foreign policy after leaving the EU within ...

The Deal of the Century US President Donald Trump presented a plan to “resolve” the decades long Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which his administration has been developing for about three years. According to the plan, Jerusalem will be the indivisible capital of the Jewish state, with a Palestinian capital being created in East Jerusalem. In addition, Israel would have power over ...

Coronavirus President Xi Jinping called a meeting of the Communist Party, where he said that the spread of deadly coronavirus is accelerating. It has already spread outside China, with cases of the contagion having been confirmed in the United States and Europe. The discussion of the virus has caused a stir and been replicated throughout the media-sphere. The UN is ...

Win – win negotiations The United States and China signed off on the first phase of a trade deal following extensive negotiations. Speaking at the signing ceremony at the White House, US President Trump stressed the deals importance and said that the two countries are working together to fix the mistakes of the past. Chinese Vice Premier Liu agreed, and ...

Recent military exercises in the Indian Ocean conducted by Eurasian powers have also been of interest to regional outsiders such as the United States, as they are a certain sign of the rising importance of these waters in the context of security, competition and control. From the point of view of classical geopolitics, the Indian Ocean is significant element of ...