What began as isolated protests against a standard criminal-extradition law has somehow erupted into a violent fury throughout Hong Kong. The Chinese city’s American-and-British-flag-waving protesters are, on the one hand, calling for “freedom, human rights, and democracy” while, on the other, assaulting police and even random bystanders alike. Western media have already been on the offensive against Beijing’s claims that ...

In recent years, thanks to the development of Turkey’s transit fleet and the emergence of a vibrant and active private sector in this sector, Turkey has been able to take a fair share of the road transport market with the countries of the region by creating competitive advantages. Turkey and the Modern Silk Road Project is an important initiative in ...

Sudan Agreement The first agreements between military and civilians have been reached in Sudan following months of turmoil. According to the newly signed constitutional declaration, a sovereign council will become the highest authority in Sudan during the transition period pending upcoming elections. The console will include five representatives of the military and five civilian figures, and one figure elected by ...

Mass shootings in the US Three mass shootings took place in the US in three different states – Texas, Ohio and Illinois. 29 people were killed in the attacks, while almost 50 were injured. On Saturday afternoon in El Paso, Texas, 21-year-old Patrick Crusius opened fire at a supermarket. In the wake of the tragedies, representatives of the Democratic Party ...

The Chinese economy has recently boosted its foreign exchange earnings and substantially increased its currency reserves. The increase in China’s foreign exchange reserves and resources has provided the government with the opportunity to become one of the major actors in the supply of international relations and the global economy. China is one of the emerging geopolitical actors who have presented ...

Turkey and China are attracting attention due to their political past and their recent actions in the economic sphere. Emre Demir, a senior researcher at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the TED University (Turkish Educational Association) commented on the current situation in Turkish-Chinese relations after President Erdogan’s recent visit to China. Demir, who works as a ...

China’s relationship to its ethnic minority Uyghur population has been the central issue driving a wedge between China and the Muslim world in recent years. However, the situation is already beginning to change before our eyes – Pakistan, Turkey and many nations throughout the Middle East have suddenly stopped calling the Uyghur education centers in Xinjiang “concentration camps,” while Turkish ...

The principle governing the world oil market is, simply put, supply and demand. When there is a balance between supply and demand in the oil market, prices remain stable. Based on assessments by geopolitical theorists, an open conflict in the Strait of Hormuz, and even the threat of a possible conflict, can have dangerous consequences for energy security, and, consequently, ...

In Hong Kong, the riots were temporarily suspended, during which dozens of police and demonstrators suffered. After mass protests in June, the government suspended changes in the law on extradition to mainland China. Also Hong Kong leader says sorry as protesters insist she quits. However, despite the concessions of the authorities, on June 16, protesters are again on the streets demanding ...

The Trump Trade War             What began with imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum is escalating into an all-out Trump Trade War. U.S. relations with the People’s Republic of China are approaching boiling point after President Trump’s declared a national emergency and outright forbade American companies from doing business with the Chinese tech giant, Huawei, last week.              Although Trump ...