In the last decade, the Mediterranean has become a global epicenter of geopolitical and geo-economic interests. It has taken an increased importance because of the profound transformations that have taken place and that continue to manifest themselves in ever fluid and changing forms. The regional conflicts in Libya and Syria, the never-ending tensions between Turkey, Greece and Cyprus (Greek Administration ...

By Omar José Hassaan Fariñas*/ Oscar Rotundo** With the many worries and challenges we face daily, perhaps it is worth celebrating the few good pieces of news we receive from time to time. In this regard, we have just heard that China and the member states of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) agreed to adopt the ...

I visited Aksu, Hotan, and Urumqi in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region between September 23-27. I chaired the delegation of foreign trade representatives in China of the Chinese Economic Cooperation Center under the CPC International Relations Department. The most important gain from this visit was my deepened understanding of Xi Jinping’s thought and its application, the New Era of Socialism ...

By Cansu Yiğit The Uyghur Tribunal published its final verdict on the so-called Uyghur Genocide on their website. The document named “Uyghur Court Decision Summary Form” consists of 63 pages and 210 articles. The so-called trial lasted more than a year. The last session of the court was held in England on 9th of December, 2021. All of the court ...

The agreement signed as a result of the United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference (COP26), which was recently held in Glasgow, Scotland, was found insufficient to reduce global warming and its effects. World leaders have agreed on a weak climate deal, under the effect of the fossil fuel lobbies, which is not even close to preventing a temperature rise of ...

While the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan is coming to an end, Taliban, who took over power without any clashes is now in the process of establishing a government. The people of USA are expressing their ‘disappointment’ against what is going on Afghanistan though. The footages from the Kabul Airport when US troops were being withdrawn and the failure in evacuation ...

Afghanistan is witnessing the withdrawal of US troops and intensified international diplomacy. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek shared his views on the country with the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times. Below we document the interview as published by Tehran Times on July 28, 2021. “Turkey and Iran are important states in our region,” Mehmet Perincek tells the Tehran Times.  “Turkey-Iran ...

The President of P.R. of China, Xi Jinping, the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel and President of France, Emmanuel Macron have held a trilateral summit on July 5. The three sides had already convened in April for a trilateral meeting. The meeting covered a wide range of issues. The Spokesperson of the German Chancellor, Stefan Seibert stated that international trade, ...

Our great prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said that we must “seek knowledge all the way to China!” The leader of the Islamic Revolution states the importance he attaches to science in regard to this quote. Today, we see the need to fulfill the duty given with these virtuous words. Of course, scientific advancement doesn’t fall from the sky. It emerges as ...

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has celebrated its 100th anniversary on July 1st. The CPC foundation in 1921 was celebrated throughout the country with ceremonies, speeches and acts. A central act was held in Beijing’s Tian’anmen Square, where Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military ...