We are in the middle of a process where the effects of the new multipolar world are being strongly felt, especially in areas where the United States has lost its former power or had been forced to abandon, as a result of its loss of global power all over the world. The collapse of the unipolar world causes the political ...

The author of these lines has an important difference in understanding the developments in China correctly. I have been living in Shanghai since 2011. I am in Turkey for one year due to pandemic. Therefore, I have the opportunity to look at the latest developments from the west of Asia. Our company in China is open. We regularly continue our ...

The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is continuing his trip through the Middle East. The visit started on March 24 in Saudi Arabia and continued on March 25 in Turkey, where Wang met with President Erdoğan and Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu. On March 26, Foreign Minister Wang travelled to Iran for a 2-day stop. After Iran, Wang will visit United Arab ...

While the transatlantic alliance gathered in Brussels for the NATO summit, the Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China met in Guilin, China. The Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov from the Russian Federation and Wang Yi from the People’s Republic of China held a two-day long meeting covering a wide range of issues. The meeting, described ...

These days, 6 different countries of the Middle East, where conflicts seemingly never end, will welcome Wang Yi, Member of the State Council and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China. Wang’s visit is expected to touch on topics as the nuclear agreement with Iran, Israeli-Palestinian peace process and Afghanistan. The Middle East visit of Wang Yi started on ...

By Liu Xin,  Correspondent of Beijing-based Global Times, exclusive for United World International Recently, the international community has witnessed a new round of hype in some Western countries on the topic of the Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. This time, the US and its Western allies are trying to label China’s actions as “genocide” – a severe accusation against ...

Humanity is entering a unique historical period as a result of the biggest epidemic of the last century. Our conservative world has been pushed toward radical changes. The capitalist world is struggling with a deep recession. A period of upheaval and revolution is at hand. Vladimir Lenin identified that in the age of imperialism, the revolution would take place in ...

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden will be inaugurated as President of the United States. Along with him, a new team will come to the White House, mostly composed of officials from Barack Obama’s administration. UWI has already written about the major figures in the future Joe Biden administration: Antony Blinken – the future state secretary, Jake Sullivan – the ...

By Orçun Göktürk Beijing (University of International Business and Economics) US Health Secretary Alex Azar visited Taiwan in August last year. This was the highest diplomatic visit of a member of the US government to Taiwan in 40 years. While everyone expected Beijing to react strongly, more than that happened. Beijing first deployed its warplanes around the island of Taiwan, ...

The Comprehensive Investment Agreement (CAI) between the European Union and the People’s Republic of China that was announced at the end of 2020 keeps on fuelling international discussions. “FOR CHINA MOST IMPORTANT STEP SINCE JOINING THE WTO” Sourabh Gupta, a senior fellow at the Institute for China-America Studies in Washington, described the agreement as a milestone. Gupta claims that “for ...