The negotiations between the European Union and Turkey are in progress. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen made an official visit to Turkey on April 6, 2021. They held meetings with Turkish President Erdoğan. The Turkish press reported of a warm encounter. Pro-government newspaper Yeni Şafak titled ...

The current crisis appears to occur between Russia and the Ukraine, but in truth, the conflict happens between the Atlantic and Eurasia. This conflict is connected to the threats Turkey faces in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Atlantic uses Ukraine as a pawn at one theater, and Greece at the other. The politics of the Biden Administration have again demonstrated that ...

The crisis that the Egyptian-Turkish relations witnessed in recent years was not an exceptional event in the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries, which began in 1925 after the proclamation of the Turkish Republic. Any examination of the course of relations between the two countries clearly reveals that these relations ranged from ebb and flow, prospering only temporarily. ...

Yaşar Yakış, born 1938, is a founding member of Turkey’s governing Justice and Development Party. Yakış has been Minister for Foreign Affairs 2002 – 2003 and Member of the Turkish Parliament between 2002 and 2011. Yakış entered the Foreign Ministry in 1962 and served different posts in Belgium, Nigeria and Syria as well as being part of the Turkish NATO ...

By Nardine Ali / Cairo In February, Egypt launched an international bid round for the exploration of oil and natural gas in 24 blocks. The Egyptian authorities determined the according exploration field in respect to Turkish claims of Exclusive Economic Zone in the Mediterranean. This was interpreted in Ankara as a gesture and caused several declarations from the Foreign Minister, ...

Turkey and Egypt are in the middle of a historic process. The two countries have the opportunity to change the equation in the region and especially in the Eastern Mediterranean, if the right steps are taken. Turkey has interpreted recent decisions of Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean as a move of goodwill, and Ankara has started calls to Cairo for ...

In the last week, Turkish public agenda had been busy with two main topics. First topic was a possible reconciliation between Egypt and Turkey, two countries that had tense relations over couple years. Second topic was the ongoing vaccination efforts, the local normalization efforts and the Health Ministry’s ongoing struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic. Turkey could sign an agreement on ...

The recent traffic of diplomacy between Ankara and Cairo has become a top topic in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has declared that Ankara was open to negotiate Exclusive Economic Zone borders in the Eastern Mediterranean with Egypt and displayed even readiness to sign an agreement. The Foreign Minister’s declarations called the “fragile relation” between Turkey and ...

Turkish Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu has made today in press conference important declarations concerning the Turkish-Egyptian relations in the context of the Eastern Mediterranean. In response to the relations of Ankara and Cairo, which have been tense since 2013, Çavuşoğlu said the following: “Egypt has declared that it will conduct gas exploration activities in the Eastern Mediterranean in respect to our ...

Although its territories have been occupied by Israel for years, Palestine is a country that can change the geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean fundamentally due to its part of the Gaza Strip. Palestine touches the Mediterranean with its 40 kilometers long coastline and calls the attention with the rich gas reserves located on its offshore. But there are important obstacles ...